The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region 2 has oriented mining companies on the provisions of DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2022-04, which focuses on enhancing biodiversity conservation and protection in mining operations.
The orientation, held in Santiago City, was part of DENR’s efforts to promote responsible management of mineral resources and ensure resource sustainability through a science-based approach.
DAO 2022-04 aims to rehabilitate ecosystems disturbed by mining activities and implement measures to safeguard the environment while supporting biodiversity conservation within the Philippine mining industry.
The agency said the mining firms were briefed on key aspects of DAO 2022-04, including the Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring System, biodiversity-friendly enterprises, Landscape Wildlife Indicator patrol, deputation of Environment and Natural Resources Officers, and strategies for enhanced biodiversity conservation.
DENR Region 2 Regional Executive Director Gwendolyn Bambalan emphasized the importance of compliance with regulations and collaboration in protecting biodiversity within mining areas.
“With your support as our partners in environmental protection, we can all work together for the sustainability of our natural resources,” she said, underscoring the role of stakeholders as stewards of the environment.
During the event, mining firms also presented their accomplishments and their 2025 Work and Financial Plans for biodiversity conservation, aligned with their Annual Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program.
Present in the event were representatives from FCF Minerals, OceanaGold Philippines Inc., Dinapigue Mining Company, and JDVC Resources Corporation.