Is there hope for people struggling with abnormal body fat accumulation?

Understanding the complexities of obesity

At a glance

  • If you don’t wish to get under the knife, there is hope for you to gradually lose body fat, but it takes a whole lot of patience and sacrifice. Determination plus consistency is key.


As of 2022, the World Health Organization reported that one out of eight people globally were living with obesity. That is approximately 890 million adults our of 2.5 billion individuals above 18 years old that are considered overweight. This data was released two years ago. Just imagine the added numbers henceforth. 


Obesity is a medical issue of having excessive, abnormal body fat accumulation that posts health risks such as heart diseases, diabetes, bone and joint problems, cancer, hormonal imbalances, fertility issues, and even psychological problems. It impairs a person’s movement, affects sleep and overall quality of life. It is a serious condition that goes beyond the aesthetics.


Unfortunately, people with obesity tend to get judged and their eating habits blamed and so on. While it is true that lifestyle habits may need to be set right, people struggle with other factors that make it difficult for them to lose weight. There’s hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance (when the body cannot efficiently utilize sugar or glucose), nutrient deficiencies, and even psychological issues that affect the way they eat, sleep, and exercise including digestion, metabolism, and absorption of nutrients. As a registered nutritionist-dietitian myself, I can’t just tell them to go on a diet or exercise. It doesn’t work that way. We have to get to the root cause of this excessive fat accumulation.


While I do not agree that this is the only solution to obesity, I have managed patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. If this is an option that is available to you, let me emphasize that you need to learn behavior modification and even coping strategies to sustain the weight loss post surgery. You also need to ensure that you are well nourished with not only vitamins and minerals but the more important phytonutrients and fiber. Otherwise, you may regain the weight. Bariatric surgery works by either reducing the size of your stomach to reduce intake and calories by putting a foreign device in the form of an adjustable band or by surgically removing a large part of the stomach. This results to decreased production of the hormone ghrelin that stimulates appetite. Adjustments to consistency and food components have to be well managed under the guidance of a dietitian to prevent nutrient deficiencies as a side effect of bariatric surgery. 


If you don’t wish to get under the knife, there is hope for you to gradually lose body fat, but it takes a whole lot of patience and sacrifice. Determination plus consistency is key. 


Firstly, reflect on your behavior and lifestyle. Ask yourself these questions:


  1. Do I eat based on how I feel?
  2. How much of my eating is emotionally related?
  3. How much fruits and vegetables do I consume daily?
  4. How much water do I drink?
  5. What makes up majority of my food intake?


If you think that your food choices are unhealthy and triggered by your emotions, it is best to seek the help of a psychologist and a registered nutritionist dietitian to help you come up with strategies that will help manage your emotions and correct eating patterns that make you unable to lose weight.


Here are some life-giving food that will help you lose body fat:


Psyllium husk and oats

These contain soluble fiber that binds with cholesterol and sugar preventing absorption. Soluble fiber blocks fat from being digested and absorbed. Fiber when combined with adequate amount of water will expand in the stomach and help keep you fuller. Thus, reducing your urge to eat more. Moreover, fiber acts as food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut which aids in digestion and metabolism of food. 


Green tea, black tea, and pure cocoa

Each of these consists of plant nutrients or phytochemicals called flavan-3-ols (flavonoids). They combat insulin resistance making the body more efficient in regulating blood glucose. Excess sugar gets converted into fat and stored in fat cells. We don’t want that. Flavan-3-ols also help dilate blood vessels by preventing fat and cholesterol deposits from clogging arteries. This ensures efficient blood flow and oxygenation in the body. Berries, grapes, apples, bananas and other fruits and vegetables also contain fat busting flavan-3-ols. Since berries are not readily available in our country and are quite expensive, you can take powdered berries. Just make sure the ingredients only contain freeze-dried berries and no other additives that aren’t naturally derived.


We don’t lose fat cells. We only reduce the size when we go on a diet coupled with exercise. If you were genetically born with more fat cells, you can be lean for as long as you keep those fat cells small and build more muscle mass to increase your metabolism or the rate of utilizing energy in the body. You build muscle mass with good nutrition especially from a predominantly plant-based diet combined with weight bearing exercises or strength training. However, professional guidance is required because there is a risk of injury when you just exercise without considering current heavy body weight. Have mercy on your joints!


Aside from proper nutrition and exercise, sleep is important to curb your food cravings, as well as, keep your stress hormone cortisol at bay. Lack of quality sleep increases the production of ghrelin hormone and you get food cravings. In addition, lack of sleep puts your body under stress. Thus, cortisol level increases which make you store up fat in the belly area. 


Lastly, if you have difficulty falling asleep or sustaining sleep, it is best to consult a sleep specialist and a psychologist. Dietitians can also help you correct nutrient deficiencies through food intake in order to help you form sleep hormone. 


If you are struggling with obesity, don’t try to body fat all by yourself. Let health professionals take care of you. This is not about simply losing weight. This is a complex condition that is challenging but isn’t hopeless. Beware of quick fixes and quacks!


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