Three licensing agreements have been signed for the transfer and commercialization of projects funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DoST-PCAARRD).
This is part of PCAARRD and partner-agencies’ efforts in strengthening technology commercialization, food security, and agricultural livelihood in the midst of the pandemic.
Under the PCAARRD Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubation (ATBI) Program, three licensing agreements were signed and issued with Fairness Opinion Report.
The Isabela State University (ISU) signed two licensing agreements with DV Boer Farm to commercialize Chevon Valley and SemEx.
Chevon Valley is a line of native dishes applied with the university’s goat processing, product storage and stability, and canning technologies. SemEx is an artificial insemination technology used to prolong the life span of buck’s sperm cells for animal breeding.
The Capiz State University (CapSU) signed a licensing agreement with BDOZ Veterinary Products Trading to commercialize Ethnobotanical Dewormer, a formulation of ipil-ipil and betel nuts to treat internal parasitism in native chicken and other poultry species.
The Chevon Valley, SemEx, and Botanical Dewormer are products of PCAARRD-funded R&D projects.
Likewise, PCAARRD, through its ATBIs in ISU and CapSU, supports the start-up-incubatee DV Boer Farm and spinoff-incubatee BDOZ Veterinary Products Trading.
For 2021, the ATBI Program will undertake co-incubation arrangements among the Laguna State Polytechnic University, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, and Forest Products Research and Development Institute to commercialize chevon processing and herbal plant processing technologies.
The Central Luzon State University has started incubating a start-up for forage-based pellet feeds for goats, while the University of the Philippines Visayas has started incubating a spin-off for automatic bottom feeders for fish farming.
PCAARRD will continue its contribution to the innovation ecosystem and the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sector. From hosting 91 incubatees in 2019 to 154 incubatees in 2020, PCAARRD is expected to support more agri-based startups and spinoffs and level up its ATBI operations for the recovery of the country from the COVID-19 pandemic.
PCAARRD is planning to establish four additional ATBIs in 2021, in addition to the 16 ATBIs established from 2017 to 2020.