No illlegal drugs user among Sablayan Prison personnel

A total of 507 personnel of the Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm (SPPF) in Occidental Mindoro have been tested negative for illegal drugs use, the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said.

In a statement, the BuCor said the mandatory drug tests started at SPPF last March 3.

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“The test result showed a positive outcome with all 507 personnel tested negative for illegal drug use,” the bureau said.

“This result demonstrates the commitment of SPPF personnel to maintain a drug-free workplace and the institution’s dedication to upholding ethical standards, ensuring that all uniformed personnel remain fit for duty, free from the influence of prohibited substances,” it also said. 

It noted that the drug testing was conducted in compliance with the national directive “to ensure a drug-free workplace and reinforce discipline, integrity, and professionalism among uniformed personnel.” 

It also said "the initiative was designed to identify and deter any possible use of illegal substances within the institution, thereby fostering a safer and more secure working environment.”

It added that "similar initiatives will be conducted periodically to maintain compliance with national policies and sustain a culture of vigilance against illegal drug use.”