Nike sneakers have been enhanced by 27 renowned artists in the name of the Pink Room, I Can Serve, and breast cancer awareness and early detection. It's the fundraising activity of I Can Serve Foundation Inc. on its 25th year, and it's an auction that promises bragging rights to dedicated sneakerheads.

BenCab, Ronald Ventura, Lilianna Manahan, Carlo Calma, Elmer Borlongan + Plet Bolipata; the list goes on and on as these multimedia artists readily came to the fore, to help I Can Serve extend its early detection outreach programs and initiatives.

September 14th is when the auction happens; and head to the I Can Serve social media platforms to learn more about the activity - from viewing the sneakers, to entering bids, and participating come auction day. A 'sneaky' way to raise money; and I'm supporting it 100%! And right in time for October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness month.