World Tourism Day: Fostering peace, prosperity through tourism

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“Together, we can harness the power of tourism to advance peace and prosperity for all.”

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres stressed this in his message for today’s World Tourism Day 2024 celebration. 

Tourism and Peace, this year’s theme for World Tourism Day, resonates deeply with the global community in the wake of conflicts around the world. This year’s celebration underscores the vital role of tourism in fostering peace, understanding, and economic growth. 

With the Philippines blessed with natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, the potential of tourism to drive the economy to new heights is immense.
Apart from being an economic driver, tourism can serve as a catalyst for peace and understanding. It is a powerful tool for fostering international understanding and cultural exchange. By welcoming visitors from around the world, the Philippines can showcase its unique traditions, vibrant festivals, and warm hospitality. This cultural exchange promotes mutual respect and understanding, laying the groundwork for peaceful coexistence.

This year’s celebration also highlights that “the future of tourism lies in the hands of young people. By investing in youth, providing education and training opportunities, and encouraging their active participation in the tourism sector, we can harness their potential to drive social change and promote peace. Young talent brings fresh perspectives, creativity, and energy that are essential for the continuous evolution of tourism as a force for good.” 

In the Philippines, young Filipinos, with their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, are poised to lead the way in innovative tourism initiatives. By embracing digital platforms, sustainable practices, and community-based tourism, the youth can create unique and authentic experiences that attract global travelers. Encouraging youth participation in tourism not only ensures the industry’s sustainability but also empowers the next generation to be ambassadors of peace and cultural heritage.

The role of tourism cannot be underestimated. In the Philippines, tourism is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, accounting for a substantial portion of the gross domestic product (GDP). The sector creates jobs, stimulates local businesses, and generates revenue that supports infrastructure development and public services. By investing in tourism infrastructure, such as improving transportation networks, enhancing tourist facilities, and promoting lesser-known destinations, the Philippines can attract more visitors and boost economic growth.

While tourism is a key economic driver, it is crucial to practice sustainable tourism to preserve the country’s natural and cultural assets. By promoting eco-friendly tourism, supporting local communities, and protecting the environment, the country can ensure that tourism benefits both present and future generations. Initiatives such as community-based tourism, where local residents are actively involved in tourism activities, can create a more inclusive and equitable tourism industry.

As we celebrate World Tourism Day today, let us recognize the profound impact of tourism on peace and economic prosperity. With the country’s breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, it has the potential to be a beacon of tourism and peace. And by empowering the youth, investing in sustainable practices, and fostering cultural exchange, the country can pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.