The National Nutrition Council - National Capital Region (NNC-NCR) recognized the city governments of Las Piñas and Pasay for the effective implementation of their respective nutrition programs.
Las Piñas was awarded with certificates for "Quality Nutrition Program” and “Most Improved Local Government Unit in the Implementation of the Mandatory Food Fortification Program."
Las Pińas Mayor Imelda Aguilar said the city was also recognized for its improved performance in ensuring that over 90 percent of city retail outlets sell iodized salt and Vitamin A fortified cooking oil, and bakery owners use Vitamin A fortified flour.
Meanwhile, Pasay City was given three awards for "Most Improved LGU in Nutrition Program Management" for its significant progress in implementing and managing its nutrition program and "Most Improved LGU in Compliance and Dissemination of National Laws and Issuance."
Pasay City Mayor Emi Calixto-Rubiano said the city government was also lauded for its outstanding efforts in providing dietary supplementation to pregnant and lactating women, young children, and wasted school children.