For 'lack of documents, delayed reports,' COA chides Sorsogon officials on P33.7-M worth of relief goods distributed in 2023

The Commission on Audit (COA) has admonished the provincial officials of Sorsogon in the distribution in 2023 of P37.7 million worth of relief goods which were not adequately supported with documents or promptly reported.

In its 2023 audit report, the COA said the provincial government's failure to provide supporting documents "cast doubt on the propriety of the receipt and distribution thereof."

It said its auditors found that Sorsogon purchased 21,000 sacks of rice as relief goods for stockpiling purposes in 2023, and this was charged against the Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Fund (LDRRMF) for P37,779,000.

But it said the auditors also found the relief goods were received by the Provincial Social Welfare Development Office (PSWDO) and not by the Provincial General Services Office (PGSO). 

At the same time, it said the receipt of distributed relief goods by the recipients could not be ascertained due to the absence of Relief Distribution Sheet (RDS).

"Interview with the Provincial Government Department Head (PGDH) of the PSWDO revealed that all relief goods were distributed as of Dec. 31, 2023; however, duly accomplished RDS were not yet submitted," it said.

"As a result, the 21,000 sacks of rice remained as part of the inventory as of year-end," it also said.

The RDS, the COA said, should have indicated the names and signatures of the recipients of the relief goods as well as the details of relief goods received during its actual distribution.

The COA then asked the head of the provincial government of Sorsogon to instruct the PGSO to observe the proper inventory and monitoring of all procured relief goods, taking into consideration the RDS evidencing the issuance to the end-users or beneficiaries.