‘Arthur Nery's "Binhi" breaches 100 million streams on Spotify

Celebrated Viva Records artist, Arthur Nery, achieved another significant milestone as his hit single "Binhi" crosses the 100 million streams mark on Spotify.

A standout track from his breakout debut album "Letters Never Sent," “Binhi” joins an impressive lineup of songs that have breached well over 100 million listens.

Known for his soulful vocals and compelling songs, Arthur is regarded as a top solo act and one of the best of his generation.


Since his arrival in the music scene, Arthur has consistently delivered hits for his listeners.

"Binhi" is just the latest of his songs to cross a 100 million listens and joins other successes that includes "Higa," "Take All The Love," "Isa Lang" and "Happy w u." One track, his mega-hit "Pagsamo," has amassed over 200 million streams.

Reflecting on this achievement, Arthur shared his gratitude towards his fans for their unwavering support.

Arthur's recent single, "Segundo, Siguro," continues to build on his success. Released in March 2024, the track has already garnered attention and further solidifies Nery's reputation as one of the biggest in the Pinoy pop music scene today.

In celebration of his latest achievements, Arthur recently performed at a sold-out, fans-exclusive show at Viva Café at the Araneta Center in Cubao, Quezon City. 

The intimate concert saw him perform his beloved hits and some carefully selected covers for hundreds of his loyal fandom.