3 fire volunteers hurt, 60 families rendered homeless in Tondo fire

Photo Courtesy of Anak Ng Tundo Brotherhood Fire and Rescue Volunteer Brigade Inc./ MANILA BULLETIN

Three fire responders were injured while 60 families were displaced by a fire that gutted at least 20 houses along Coral Street, Barangay 58, Tondo, Manila on Sunday night, June 16.

Medical staff said the injured victims sustained minor burns on their arms.

According to the Bureau of Fire Protection, the fire was raised to the first alarm at 10:27 p.m. and was immediately elevated to the second alarm at 10:31 p.m.

Photo Courtesy of Anak Ng Tundo Brotherhood Fire and Rescue Volunteer Brigade Inc./ MANILA BULLETIN

Most of the houses were made of light materials, authorities said.

The firetrucks and firemen struggled to enter the narrow alleyway. It took them two hours before the fire was put under control at 12:43 a.m. on Monday, June 17, and another hour before it was extinguished at 1:52 a.m.

Witnesses said the fire allegedly started from the third floor of a house near the barangay's basketball court.

The BFP estimated some P1.6 million worth of damage caused by the fire.

It said the origin of the blaze is still unknown.

Photo Courtesy of Marvin Ala Aycocho

Meanwhile, some of the affected families temporarily took shelter at the basketball court and barangay hall.

Members of the Manila Department of Social Welfare (MDSW) arrived at around 7 a.m. to distribute hot meals and modular tents to the fire victims.

The local government said the victims will be given cash assistance.