DICT conducts public briefing on National Cybersecurity Plan

The Department of Information and Communications Technology's Cybersecurity Bureau (DICT-Cybersecurity) conducted a public briefing for the National Cybersecurity Plan (NCSP) 2023 to 2028 on Monday, May 27.


In his keynote speech, Undersecretary for Infostructure Management, Cybersecurity, and Upskilling Jeffrey Ian C. Dy, explained that the NCSP is just an initial stage of the many steps the country needs to take to secure its cyberspace.

"This plan embodies the spirit of unity and collaboration, recognizing that cyber security is not a solely government responsibility but a shared national imperative," Dy said.

On the sidelines of the event at the Madison Hotel in Quezon City, Dy further explained that the initiative is a "foundation."

"In other words, we all speak the same language, we all know what to do, and this is a whole-of-nation approach," he said in a mix of English and Filipino.

The DICT has rolled out the plan, aiming to bolster the Philippines' defenses against cyber threats.

This is mandated by Republic Act (RA) 10844, the plan reflects extensive consultations and aligns with the Philippine Development Plan 2023 to 2028.

Adopting the CIANA-PS framework, the NCSP targets confidentiality, integrity, availability, nonrepudiation, authentication, privacy, and security.

The NCSP addresses numerous cybersecurity threats, with the National Computer Emergency Response Team (NCERT) tracking 57,400 threats and managing 3,470 incidents from 2021 to February 2023.

It also aims for three outcomes: (1) market expansion achieved.; (2) creativity and innovation in services value proposition strengthened; and (3) protection and safety from natural hazards and other security threats.

On April 4, President Marcos signed Executive Order No. 58, officially adopting the DICT's NCSP 2023 to 2028.

This plan will serve as the government's "whole-of-nation roadmap" to strengthen and secure the country's cyberspace.

