Wish upon 2023

At its core, through trials and errors, our desire is to elevate our world to the level of utopian science fiction. Other than inhabiting, possessing, and controlling it, we have reshaped it, but here we are. Can we get it back in shape?

Its growing catalog of ills notwithstanding, I think the world is still beautiful.

Instead of trees, the modern sky is scraped by towers of glass, steel, and concrete, but we call that architecture.

In the modern home, we mimic the serenity of a pond, the soft shades of a late afternoon on a stroll by the beach, or the sand, stone, and terracotta tones of the desert, but we call that interior design or photometry.

In the way we present ourselves to the world, we imitate the flutter of bird wings, the stripes of a wild cat, or the shimmer of reptilian skin, but we call that fashion or personal style.

There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them. —George Eliot

More than inhabiting this world, created as if by magic, conjured up in the divine imagination, we possess it, take control of it, and transform it, flattening mountains, clearing forests, making sloping hills and vast flatlands—maybe even entire cities—of what used to be shorelines.

In 2023, more than ever, we are compelled to confront the dismal impact of our most ardent dreams, our noblest wishes, our greatest intentions on the planet in our pursuit of success, progress, and civilization.

We have reshaped the world, but here we are in a state of increased mental, emotional, and psychological stress, political and geopolitical conflict, inequality, overurbanization, aquifer depletion, deforestation, world hunger, climate change… Can we get it back in shape as individuals in the hope of influencing national and international policies for change?

I turn to some of my most beautiful friends for answers, and here’s what they have to say.

Ara Arida

In a world filled with hardships, what tops my wish list is to continue doing what I’m passionate about, and to find a lasting love... Passion to do more challenging roles in my career, and the kind of love that will bring me a lifetime of pure bliss amid the chaos and uncertainties surrounding us.


Heart Evangelista

With everything that is happening in the world, let’s just start the year with something simple... Move forward and be kind.


Jae de Veyra-Pickrell

My biggest wish is for all of us to cultivate more compassion for each other that shows up in real, perceptible ways. So much of the drama in our lives, whether it’s domestic or on a community or even global level, could be alleviated if we do the conscious work of putting ourselves in each other’s shoes, then, most crucially, acting accordingly. Follow through those good intentions with corresponding actions because what good is intent if it doesn’t see the light of day? So often, people will try to excuse inaction or bad behavior by saying it wasn’t their intention, but we should all reduce the contradiction by consciously translating thought to mindful, considerate deed. The same approach applies not just to relationships, but even the way we interact with nature, with the world. Resolve is lost if it remains an abstraction.


Joyce Makitalo

All good things start with the elevation of consciousness so my wish list this year involves internal work like meditation, digital detox, and having a positive outlook. I endeavor for a clearer mind, a calm spirit, and a heart full of hope. I am hopelessly, and maybe at times ignorantly, optimistic. It has done me well. It is important of course to be aware of reality, and there will always be a constant surplus of negative events in this material world but change starts with hope. Hope gives us wings.


Rocio Olbes-Ressano

Number one on my wish list for 2023 is a genuine cure for cancer. The cancer vaccines are making immense progress and I believe the medical world is close to a breakthrough. This will be a massive win for the whole world. May 2023 be filled with love, peace, and health for us all.


Stephanie Zubiri

I wish we can have more compassion and kindness, not only for our loved ones, but for everyone and most especially ourselves.


Monique Madsen

My number one wish for 2023 is to see more progressive changes angled toward more environmentally conscious, sustainable decisions in our daily lives. Collectively every and any small change we do in our own sphere and space will make its impact eventually and foster better lifestyle habits. The last two years has really catapulted my desire and passion toward becoming a conscious consumer. I have become severely conscious these days. Conscious of what I purchase, I make sure that everything I bring into my home is intentional and has a purpose. I have always been good at continuously editing and decluttering my space and closet but now I have taken that on another level, where I apply this concept in many other aspects of my life and home. I recycle and reuse. I make sure I don’t purchase anything new until I have completely run out. I detest fast fashion, I dissect clothing labels and I will sew and repair any item I can resuscitate. I have a very strong quality over quantity mantra and even though it may seem like I splurge on certain things, I sleep well at night knowing it’s something I will use and love for years to come and that I don’t contribute to consuming anything that will quickly end up in the bin. I also don’t keep anything in excess.