The religious group El Shaddai led by Bro. Mike Velarde has endorsed the senatorial bid of retired police general Guillermo Lorenzo Eleazar.
Eleazar, who is running under the Partido Reporma, was invited during the religious activity of the group in Parañaqu City along with presidential candidate Bongbong Marcos and his runningmate Sara Duterte who were also both endorsed by Velarde on Sunday, Feb. 12.

In his message, Velarde stressed the need for unity of the people in electing the country’s leaders and made a reference from the Latin phrase “Vox Populi, Vox Dei, which means that the voice of the people is the voice of God.
Eleazar expressed gratitude to Velarde and the members of El Shaddai or trusting him and recognizing his qualifications to effectively and efficiently serve the Filipino people as a senator.
“ This is a major source of strength as I pursue my commitment to serve the Filipino with dignity and integrity. I will make sure that I will no disappoint him (Velarde) and all the El Shaddai members for trusting me to be the voice of the people in the Senate,” said Eleazar.
In his speech, Eleazar vowed to further improve peace and order in the country, explaining that the development of any area or country is always anchored on good peace and order. He added that each Filipino family must feel safe and protected in every street, every community and in every home.

Eleazar’s push to make every family feel safe is in line with the stand of El Shaddai about the importance of family.
He told El Shaddai members of two important values that he learned from his parents that served as a guiding light in his 38 years in the military and police services— first is to ensure to do one’s best in everything that he does no matter how small the task is; and, to keep one’s integrity intact in everything he does and everything that he would decide on.
These values, according to Eleazar, became his source of strength in shattering the padrino culture in the PNP recruitment system, in busting syndicates and crime groups and in standing and fighting for what is right when he was still in the police service.