Paul McCartney jamming with Krypton’s last son?
Well, why not?
The Beatle was depicted doing exactly that on a cover of an upcoming issue of World’s Finest comic that DC revealed recently.
In it, Macca is seen singing enthusiastically into a mic while his other arm is wrapped on the shoulder of Superman who, himself, is singing along and having fun while at it.
Mind blown yet?

There's more.
The two are actually depicted inside the Bat Cave as they’re singing to Sir Paul’s 1980 song “Wonderful Christmastime.”
Batman, Catwoman, Robin, Batgirl, Alfred the Butler, Supergirl and even Krypto the dog can also be seen in the background.
DC did not share other details about it other than it is a “Open-to-Order Holiday McCartney Variant Cover by Dan Mora.”
DC first teased the cover back in September but redacted the McCartney image.
World's Finest is a long standing DC title that features the team-up between the Man Of Steel (Superman) and Dark Knight Detective (Batman).
Said issue is the holiday variant cover of DC’s World’s Finest #10 title that is due to go on sale on December 20.