James Arthur on new uplifting single: 'Lots to be hopeful about'

James Arthur

Former X-Factor singer and successful solo act James Arthur has a new single titled “Medicine.”

From his home in the UK during an interview to promote his new single “Medicine.” He described to Bulletin Entertainment his latest song as thus: “’Medicine’ is an uplifting ode to self, to relationships, to community and connection, and to the healing, restorative powers of love over adversity. It is, you might say, the perfect song for (spring) 2021.”

Besides the obvious pandemic that the whole world is going through, the “Say You Won’t Let Go” singer had some personal health issues to sort through. Back in January 2020, in the midst of a European tour, James began to have panic attacks.

“On stage in Madrid, I had this brutal panic attack. I’ve obviously suffered from anxiety over the years but I’d never had that before, not on stage, not it taking hold of me – to the extent that I had to get off because if I didn’t, I was gonna die. Then the next day I developed really bad flu symptoms and had to be rushed into hospital. They found that I had a gallbladder infection, and had to remove it immediately.”

James spent a week in a hospital and had cancelled the tour entirely. In didn’t end there. When he went back to London, he checked himself into a hospital and underwent therapy, a course of medication, and generally overhauled his health mentally and physically. He recovered around March 2020 and was fit to again embark on a tour. But then the pandemic hit.

Luckily though, James invested in building his own recording studio. Having his own place to work on immediately paid off, resulting in “Medicine” – a modern rock-tinged number that comes with trap beats and of course, the trademark emotional yearning that usually comes with a James Arthur song. “It’s a mash of trap and rock,” said James. Adding “That was the palette. Blink 182 (meets) Post Malone.”

“Medicine” is a snapshot of what James went through the previous year.

“The last year has forced any couple to look at themselves. It held a mirror up to us all, didn’t it? And my partner was hugely supportive through that whole time. There are some pretty dark lyrics in there: ‘When I’m suicidal, you don’t let me spiral,” James explained.

He also acknowledged that writing songs and recording music helped when he was going through his struggles with his health. “It’s always very helpful I think for me writing, making music is the best form of therapy for me personally. I’m very lucky that I have an outlet such as music to channel any of my mental issues that I might be going through. It’s always the best way for me to figure those things out.”

As for those who are going through something, James had this to say.  “I would just say that there’s a lot to be hopeful about. There’s an end in sight. I would always encourage people to speak up, I know it’s a difficult thing to talk about your mental health and your health in general (but) It’s the biggest step to just try to speak because you’d be surprised at how many people will relate to you. But yeah, just stay positive, you know. There’s an end in sight.”

"Medicine" is the first song that James wrote for an upcoming new album. James Arthur recently signed with Columbia Records and is released globally by Sony Music.