Mitigating the effects of pesticides on plants

Pesticides are made to kill pests. But oftentimes, this also causes harm to plants and pollinators. Effects of these pesticides may result in mild to severe plant injury. Hence, using them must be controlled or reduced. 

If there are no other ways to deal with the pest infestation, growers may still use pesticides to control the pests, while also minimizing its effects on plants. 

Image by zefe wu from Pixabay.

Some signs that plants are damaged by pesticides are burnt and falling leaves, discoloration, and abnormal plant growth. Here are ways to lessen plant damage caused by harmful chemicals:

Check the labels. Every insecticide has a different purpose and target pest. Carefully reading the product labels and choosing the proper pesticide can kill the right pests faster. Follow the instructions on the pesticide packaging and make sure to apply the proper dosage to the plants. 

Applying during appropriate weather. Do not spray pesticides on windy days as the chemicals may reach other plants and harm them, too. Putting a cover or screen between the target and nearby plants may help prevent this instance. Hot weather also increases the risk of plant damage. 

Use of other alternatives.  As much as possible, try other methods to manage pests without the use of chemical components, such as biological control, horticultural oil, and insecticidal soaps.

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