The Department of Science and Technology-Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI) has reminded the public about the importance of handling home-delivered food and restaurant deliveries properly.

The DOST-FNRI asked Filipino families to be cautious when buying food online as many food online businesses have sprouted amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
“Food that is not fresh or spoiled can cause illness. When you get sick, you can get diarrhea, experience vomiting, stomach ache or fever,” it warned.
“It is important to be critical of foods purchased online.”
When buying food online, here are some tips shared by the DOST-FNRI to make sure it’s safe:
-You can ensure food safety when you buy from well-known food businesses. Before you purchase, check the online page for business and health permits or ask for a copy if it is not available on the online page.
-After accepting food delivery, be sure to wash your hands.
-Designate a place in your home where purchased foods online or delivery food can be placed.
-Before entering your kitchen, transfer purchased foods to clean containers.
-Delivered food can be cooked or reheated to ensure its safety.
-Eat immediately foods purchased online. The food should last only two hours at room temperature.
The DOST-FNRI asked online food business owners to ensure the safety of the food prepared and sold to customers by practicing standard food safety practices, including use of fresh ingredients and clean utensils and cooking equipment.
The Institute said it is conducting webinars or online trainings for food business owners who want to learn proper food safety practices especially during the pandemic.
“it is important that prepared food is not only nutritious but also safe. Avoid getting sick during pandemic. Make sure the food you eat is safe and healthy,” it said.