Professor Rom Feria

Openvibe: Unified app for decentralized socials

If you have not heard of Mastodon and/or BlueSky, then you are missing out… a lot! 

Orka desktop: Mac virtualization software

It wasn't too long ago when I wrote about UTM that provides virtualization and emulation software for the Mac.  Great news for Mac users as VMWare Fusion is now free for personal use.  The arrival of Orka Desktop, a new offering from MacStadium, a name familiar to developers who rely on cloud-based macOS solutions, now  offers bare-metal Macs and virtualized macOS via Orka.  

Why I'm avoiding OpenAI's ChatGPT and going local

The latest issues with OpenAI, the Scarlett Johannson-Sky/Her incident, prominent OpenAI employees leaving the company, and that NDA, along with other previous issues, are red flags for me. Personally, OpenAI is now ranked alongside Meta - the "end justifies the means" and "better to ask for forgiveness than permission" kind of leadership is difficult for me to accept. Only the US government is to blame here - why they are letting these billionaires exploit every human being on earth is unfathomable!

Using the Mobile Verification Toolkit

Malicious actors target iOS and Android smartphones to extract valuable data, sometimes sponsored by nation-states. To stay safe, avoid clicking on URLs from strangers, connect only to trusted Wi-Fi networks, use VPNs, and avoid untrusted third-party apps. The Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) by Amnesty International helps detect spyware like Pegasus. Regularly decrypt and check backups with MVT to ensure device safety. Additionally, turning off your device weekly enhances security.

The new, old Google Search:

With all the brouhaha of getting AI to do the searching for you, Google cannot be left behind by Microsoft and OpenAI AI-based search engines. Google announced and released its own AI-powered Google Search at Google I/O.