SM Supermalls and zodiac forecasts




The New Chinese Lunar Year of the Wood Snake got off to a propitious start by virtue of a lunch that was hosted by SM Supermalls at China Blue, Conrad Hotel. It was primarily stakeholders and tenants of the malls, along with a smattering of media friends — that’s how I made the cut. And taking center stage after the lunch would be Patrick Lim Fernandez of the Yin & Yang Shop of Harmony. An acknowledged feng shui master, Patrick combines his classical feng shui knowledge and mastery, with his background in banking, finance, and real estate. Along with his mother Arleen, Patrick is very much in demand to give talks and offer advice, especially during this time of the year.

It may not be common knowledge, but Patrick has a great sense of humor as well; and in the moments before the lunch commenced, we joked about how after Jose Mari Chan and his annual routine of “Christmas in the Philippines starts in September”; next on the calendar in terms of being super-busy would be Patrick, with his heightened demand starting in December, and culminating in the Chinese New Year. 

For the true believers of feng shui, the trail to Arleen and Patrick’s shop is year-round, as there will always be homes being built or renovated, offices being set-up, and advice being sought for business start-ups, launches, events, or special occasions. But he agreed with me that his overnight travel bag is on perpetual stand-by this time of the year, as his talks are sought after in all the major cities, from Davao up to Baguio.  

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The class is called to order; our ‘class picture’ this January 2025. 

Let me just state here that when it comes to modern Chinese cuisine, China Blue fully deserves it’s exalted reputation. A number of new dishes were part of the menu that lunch, and they were excellent additions. My favorite that lunch would be the double boiled coconut soup with wintermelon and seafood – super clean taste, super flavorful, and really hits the spot. 

First order of the day in terms of post-lunch conversation was the Tessa Prieto update; and this was guaranteed the moment Tessa sashayed into the China Blue function room. Her latest? Lawsuits, about hiring the Divina Law Office, and the affront of being involved in a case where she’s not mentioned by name, but subsumed under “et al.” This last provoked a lot of laughter from the assembled; and for the uninitiated, it’s all part of Tessa treating these lunches like a therapy session, as she unloads, reveals all, and becomes an “open book.” 

Then it was down to the “main course” of the lunch, Patrick’s presentation. Given the time constraint, his talk was more about broad strokes and pre-selected information. I noticed how several around the table were rapt with attention, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ll be reaching out for private consultations with Patrick in the near future. 

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Patrick Lim Fernandez during his talk.

What piqued people’s interest was when Patrick talked of wealth and business. For 2025, he first mentioned the upsurge for the water industries. Categorized under water industries, we find hospitality/travel, beverage and supermarket, trading/logistics, sales, aquatics, hygiene, and analytics. Then Patrick went on to talk about looking beyond 2025, and up to 2043 – a 20 year window. Here, he spoke of how the following industries should have a head start over the others: technology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, aviation, communication, energy, entertainment, events, food, and politics. Funny was the moment when Patrick mentioned politics, as some audibly groaned, possibly wondering to themselves why was it being called an industry. To which I wanted to retort, “Precisely!”

Patrick then spoke of sense of self; of how independence, reputation, influence, and inward spirituality would be growing trends in terms of how people are motivated. Insofar as feng shui locations are concerned, Patrick touched on wealth, prosperity, career, authority, travel, relationships and harmony; mentioning which directions are auspicious, which zodiac signs would be “lucky” this year, and which colors are favorable.

Grace Magno of SM Supermalls, your columnist, and Dax Lucas. 

Then he brought it around to what we should watch out for, conflict, unexpected loss, sickness and backstabbing, obstacles and setbacks; which signs may be subject to any of the above, and what colors and compass points could help subdue the negative energy. 

Feng shui and AI, whether it can co-exist, was something Patrick touched on to bring his talk to a close. Here, he was very much in the affirmative, seeing AI as a valuable tool for feng shui. Condensing big data for career, business luck and prospects is one avenue to consider. Then, there’s descriptive and predictive statistics; where AI can be a boost to the feng shui expert, helping collate the information and even forecast over longer periods of time. In short, the two can co-exist, be of use for each other. 

This is the second year that SM Supermalls has organized this lunch for the Chinese New Year. It’s a wonderful get-together, and I loved how friendships are forged and/or strengthened in the course of the meal. Thank you SM Supermalls, for getting us all together.