Archdiocese of Davao to open Holy Door of Metropolitan Cathedral of San Pedro on September 14

As part of the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Archdiocese of Davao, the faithful who will visit the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Pedro may gain a plenary indulgence from Sept. 8 to Dec. 17.

Metropolitan Cathedral of San Pedro (Photo courtesy of Veritas PH)

In a circular, Davao Archbishop Romulo Valles, said the Vatican has granted the request of the archdiocese for the granting of the plenary indulgence.

“The Holy See has granted our request for a Plenary Indulgence to be granted to our faithful during the Diamond Jubilee Anniversary of the Archdiocese of Davao,” Archbishop Valles said.

The Vatican likewise granted the opening of the Holy Door of the cathedral on Saturday, Sept. 14 to coincide with the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

“To emphasize the profound significance of this pilgrimage, the Holy See has graciously approved the opening of the Holy Door of the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Pedro, thereby enriching our journey with a special and sacred dimension,” the archbishop said as he invited the faithful to visit the church.

“We encourage all the faithful to take part in this spiritual journey, reflecting on our shared history and growing in faith as we mark this momentous occasion,” he added.

The Holy Door will remain open to the public until Dec. 17 and will be closed at 4:30 a.m. during the Misa De Gallo.

The Archdiocese of Davao looks after the spiritual needs of about 1.5 million Catholics which is 80 percent of the population. Archbishop Valles mans the archdiocese together with Auxiliary Bishop George Rimando  and about 150 priests.