Village watchman shot dead in La Union wake

At a glance

  • BALAOAN, La Union – A 43-year-old barangay tanod was allegedly shot dead by a 58-year-old tricycle driver in Barangay Camilo Osias, Balaoan, La Union on Saturday night, August 24.

BALAOAN, La Union – A 43-year-old barangay tanod was allegedly shot dead by a 58-year-old tricycle driver in Barangay Camilo Osias, Balaoan, La Union on Saturday night, August 24.


Police identified the victim as Eduardo R. San Jose.

Investigation said San Jose and the suspect, William Subang, were attending a wake when a heated altercation erupted.

Subang dew a gun and shot the victim once in the body. 

San Jose ran away but was pursued by the suspect. The victim slumped on the road and the suspect shot him once again.

Subang fled and San Jose was taken to a hospital where he was declared dead.

Police nabbed the suspect and recovered the firearm in a  pursuit operation.