CHR lauds guilty verdict for death of PMA cadet subjected to hazing in 2019

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has lauded the conviction of two former Philippine Military Academy (PMA) cadets of murder and another former cadet of hazing for the death of 4th Class Cadet Darwin Dormitorio in September 2019.

Convicted of murder by the Baguio City regional trial court (RTC) were Shalimar Imperial Jr. and Felix Lumbag Jr. Julius Carlo Tadena was convicted of violation of the Anti-Hazing Act.

RTC Judge Ligaya Itliong Rivera sentenced them to reclusion perpetua (life imprisonment). Imperial and Lumbag were ordered to pay a fine of P3 million each and ordered to jointly and solidarily pay Dormitorio's heirs P75,000 as civil indemnity, P75,000 as moral damages, P25,000 as temperate damages, and P100,000 as attorney's fees. Tadena, on the other hand, was ordered to pay a fine of P2 million.

Dormitorio succumbed to death at the PMA Hospital on Sept. 18, 2019 - one day after he was diagnosed with urinary tract infection. Reports said that he was no longer conscious, nor was he responsive as his eyes no longer moved. His lips and nails were already blue, while several parts of his body showed bruises.

"The Commission welcomes this ruling as it demonstrates the State’s commitment to ensuring that justice is served and that the rule of law remains the cornerstone of achieving accountability and justice in the country," the CHR said in a statement.

At the same time, the CHR reaffirms its stance of zero tolerance for hazing and advocates for its complete eradication in all educational institutions and non-school-based organisations, including military and army training programs. 

It said it condemned hazing as an "abhorrent practice" that violates the right to life itself.

It also said: "It is imperative that we put an end to the culture of violence, particularly within the ranks of our future military leaders. The use of physical, mental, and psychological violence in training must be categorically rejected, and we must work together to ensure that such practices are never again allowed to take root."