Angara to ensure effective implementation of expanded career progression system for teachers

As part of the Marcos administration’s initiative to enhance education quality nationwide, newly appointed Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Sonny Angara assured on Wednesday, July 24, that effective measures will be implemented for the expanded career progression system for public school teachers.

(DepEd file photo) 

During the second day of the 2024 Post-State of the Nation Address (SONA) Discussions, which focused on education and workers' welfare development, Angara reiterated President Marcos's directive to “take care of our teachers.”

“He has, I believe, approved in principle the career progression of our teachers because it has long been their complaint that it takes very long for them to get promoted,” Angara said.

Angara noted that funds have been allocated to implement the expanded career progression system for public school teachers, which will promote professional development and career advancement within their ranks.

This expanded system outlines two career paths for teachers: the teaching track and the school administration track.

“There’s a teaching track and an administrative track for those who are more suited to become administrators within our school system,” Angara said.

With this system in place, ample career growth opportunities will be available, which, as a result, will accelerate the career growth of teachers.

To ensure the steady implementation of the expanded career progression system, Angara said DepEd is currently coordinating with three other agencies.

“We’re finalizing that document along with three other agencies,” Angara said. These agencies include the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC), the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

Angara underscored the importance of having this career progression system in place because “sometimes our teachers get pirated for better opportunities because it takes some time for them to be promoted.”

Through the system, Angara expressed hope that teachers will have “something to look forward to” regarding their career tracks.

“It is something that will encourage and incentivize our teachers,” Angara said. “We expect to improve performance because of these innovations and developments, which the President has approved,” he added.

Aside from the career progression, Angara said DepEd will also work to activate the Teacher Education Council (TEC), a body created under a law Congress passed about two years ago.

The TEC, Angara explained, “is meant to train our teachers to ensure up-to-date quality and methods of teaching so that teachers are improving and keeping up.”