The SM Store gets a new tagline



In the world of retail, while some will fall back on the adage of “If it ain't broke, why fix it" there’s also the argument for having a periodic refresh or reboot, so that your customer base has something new to invest in – and to have a new generation feel you’re reaching out to them, and place you top of mind.  

SM Store just launched their new tagline of “Your Everyday Store.” I like what it signifies, and how it heralds the ever-evolving concept of what the SM Store stands for today, and in the near-future. Timeless, while sensitive to change, and what the customer needs and wants. 

With “Got It All For You,” it was more about the merchandise; how whether you were thinking fashion, beauty, skincare and toiletries, everyday apparel for the whole family, active wear, or home products, the SM Store was there for you. It was, and still is, a retail “palace,” where quality, affordability, and accessibility – thanks to the numerous SM Supermalls locations all over the nation – all come together. 

Now, with the “Your Everyday Store” tagline, it’s about expanding function and purpose. It’s the SM Store saying it’s a lifestyle choice you won’t regret, as it ticks so many “boxes” that go beyond shopping. That on top of retail, as we navigate our lives and that of our loved ones; the SM Store is finding ways to make life more convenient, sustainable, and be the ultimate go-to! 

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Samples of the collateral highlighting the new SM Store tagline. 

These “boxes” are worth examining. If one wants to pay utility bills, the SM Store can make that part of your agenda for the day while doing some shopping. If one is out to buy tickets for concerts or for shows, there’s an easy way to get those precious tickets while you’re at an SM Store. Claiming remittances from abroad? The SM Store is the place you can do that too! 

Say your son or daughter calls, and there’s a need to get stationery supplies for some science project at school, or she needs art supplies as she has a burst of inspired creativity? The SM Store stationery section will surprise you in terms of how complete it is. And you’ll just have to drop by the most convenient location near work, or on the way home. That’s SM Store being your lifesaver for your children. And we all know what value we place on the happy faces of our children. 

If you’re stumped on what gift to get a loved one, or for a friend celebrating her/his birthday, or for any occasion (anniversary, graduation, etc); the SM Store is the place to go to get gift cards or gift certificates. This way, the person can choose the gift, and you’re certain it’s the right choice. This comes in handy when we’re stressed figuring out what the gift recipient is into, what he or she would really like, and be grateful to receive. 

I mentioned above how The SM Store is making “life more convenient, sustainable, and the ultimate go-to” let’s go back to sustainable. Just this year, we experienced a really intense summer, parched for the rainy season to begin, while simultaneously dreading the flooding that will happen. Climate change is real, and it’s affected our lives in so many ways – several areas presently suffer from rotational brownouts. So now more than ever, sustainable is a lifestyle choice we have to be conscious about.

I love how The SM Store practically anticipated all these when they launched the SM Green Finds in the middle of 2022, and expanded it last year to more SM Store locations. For those in the dark, SM Green Finds is the SM Store giving SKU’s (stock-keeping units) a Green Finds Badge to help guide shoppers on what stocked retail products champion sustainability.

What’s impressive in this endeavor is how the Green Finds Badge finds its way to almost every section of the SM Store. There may be one major display where all the Green Finds are displayed, but if one opts to head to the different floors and sections, one can still discover which products carry the all-important badge. It’s about the SM Store making an inclusive and sustainable lifestyle that much easier to achieve.

Let’s face it, in the past, there was often the impression that sustainable also meant more expensive. And this certainly was the case when it came to a diverse range of food products. Thankfully, that day has long gone, and championing the products of companies who strictly follow an ESG agenda (Environment, Social and Governance) does not have to entail a big chunk of our regular shopping budget. Wise, sustainable choices can also be affordable ones, at the SM Store. 

Your Everyday Store isn’t an idle boast, it’s the SM Store being a responsible member of  the communities where they exist, and even going the extra mile to develop locally-sourced products that are sustainable, and help us invest in our future.