Teresita Ang-See hits Senate probe vs Mayor Guo

Filipino-Chinese civic leader Teresita Ang-See criticized the Senate for the way it has been investigating Bamban, Mayor Alice Guo, noting that the investigation has a “ridiculous zarzuela.” 

In a statement, observed that the lawmakers have apparently deviated from their goal of actually investigating the operations of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO) in Guo's municipality.

Ang-See said she is not against the Senate’s probe, but she noted that “something which originated from concerns about POGO got sidetracked and had become ridiculous zarzuela and the POGO investigation disappeared from the scene.”

“This kind of witchhunt and personal attacks are way below decency and reflects badly on the dignity of the Senate. With their budget, shouldn't (the) Senate do their background investigation first?” Ang-See asked. 

“What has her alleged boyfriend, her luxurious lifestyle, her ability or inability to speak Hokkien and Mandarin have to do with her being Filipino or not,” she added.

Noting that the mayor has rather become the main topic of the inquiry, Ang-See called on the Senate to "focus on the issues that aid legislation." She said, "The irritable tear-jerker zarzuela serves only to detract from the problems."