CHED welcomes appointment of five new officials

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) welcomed the appointment of five new officials.

CHED welcomes five new officials (Photo courtesy of CHED) 

“I congratulate and welcome our new CHED officials,” said CHED Secretary Popoy De Vera in a statement.

“They all come with impressive academic credentials and expertise that will help CHED implement its mandates and priorities under the Marcos administration,” he added.

Dr. Mary Sylvette Gunigundo

Gunigundo first joined CHED in 2004 as an Education Supervisor at the Regional Office of NCR.

(Photo courtesy of CHED) 

After six years, she joined SEAMEO INNOTECH to gain an international perspective on educational systems.

In 2014, she was requested to return to CHED to help with a newly established Central Office, the Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance where she was the Chief of the Quality Assurance Division.

Starting in 2019, she has served as the Officer-in-Charge of various offices such as the Office of Programs and Standards Development, Higher Education Development Fund Staff, Office of Student Development and Services, and now the Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management.

Gunigundo said she was “grateful” to De Vera for these assignments because she was able to see CHED at both the macro and micro levels and re-imagine solutions to higher education problems.

Dr. Jimmy Catanes

Catanes is a former Education Supervisor II at the Commission on Higher Education Cordillera Administrative Region and is a member of the DOST-TAPI Technical and Commercial Viability Evaluation Panel.

(Photo courtesy of CHED) 

Before assuming this role, he served as the Director of the Research Planning and Development Center at Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) in San Carlos City, Pangasinan.

He is the proponent and lead implementer of significant projects in the Cordillera Administrative Region funded by CHED, including the Kabadang Research Publication Mentoring and the Filipino Leaders in Advancing International Reputation Masterclass (FLAIR).

Dr. Lora Yusi

A product of the public school system, Yusi started as an Education Supervisor II from 2008 to 2014 at CHED Regional Office III.

(Photo courtesy of CHED) 

In September 2014, she was elevated to the post of Chief Education Program Specialist of the CHED Regional Office.

In August 2015, she topped the Career Executive Service Written Examination (CESWE) given by the Career Executive Service Board.

Yusi has also passed both the validation and panel interview given by the CESB.

She served as the Officer-in-Charge of CHED Region III, from April 2019 to February 2020 and from April 27, 2023 to present.

Dr. Rody Garcia

Garcia is the former OIC Regional Director of CHEDRO-IX in Zamboanga Peninsula since 2019.

(Photo courtesy of CHED) 

He has been serving the Government for 31 years of which 24 years in the Commission on Higher Education. He was awarded as one of the most outstanding Research Advisers of the Philippines by the DOST and Intel Philippines in 2000 when he was still with the Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS) now the Department of Education (DepEd).

Under the leadership of Garcia, CHEDRO-IX has been proactively implementing programs, projects, and activities of the Commission on Higher Education and has been known for his leadership in innovation and technology.

Currently, CHED has designated him as the Co-Chair and project manager for the CHED One Touch Integrated Systems and Services.

Atty. Marco Domingo

Domingo has been with the CHED since 2014.

Before his designation as OIC-Director of CHEDRO 2, Domingo was the Division Chief of the Investigation and Enforcement Division of the CHED Legal and Legislative Service.

(Photo courtesy of CHED) 

He also served as OIC of CHED Cordillera Region (CAR) and OIC-Office of the President, Batanes State College (BSC) and Benguet State University (BSU) while the universities were undergoing their respective search for presidents.

Marcos Jr. has appointed Catanes, Yusi, and Gunigundo as Directors IV while Domingo and Garcia were appointed as Directors III of CHED.

“The appointment of our new CHED Directors is a manifestation of President Marcos’ vision for people in government to be the best and the brightest with a commitment for efficient and responsive public service,” De Ver said.