DOH: Philippines nominated to lead 78th World Health Assembly in 2025

The Department of Health (DOH) announced on Thursday, Oct. 24, that the Philippines received the distinct honor of being the President-nominee of the 78th World Health Assembly (WHA), which will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, in May 2025.

Photo Courtesy of the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.jpg
Photo Courtesy of the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific

“This nomination is historic, as it is the first time that the Philippines will serve as the President of the prestigious Health Assembly since the WHO was founded in 1948,” the DOH said in a statement.

The Philippines’ nomination came at the 75th Regional Committee Meeting (RCM) of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Western Pacific, as announced by WPRO Regional Director Saia Ma’u Piukala, where Member States in attendance reached a consensus to nominate the Philippines.


Following this development, DOH Secretary Teodoro J. Herbosa noted that Filipinos are recognized as “bridge-builders” in the international community.

DOH Secretary Teodoro J. Herbosa (Photo Courtesy of the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific)

“Our nomination by the Western Pacific Member States as WHA78 President is a recognition of our collective contribution and leadership in international health,” Herbosa said, thanking the country’s neighbors in the Western Pacific for their “trust and confidence.”

Highest decision-making body

The DOH explained that the WHA is the highest decision-making body of the WHO.

“It is attended by delegations from all 194 WHO Member States, 37 of which are in the Western Pacific,” the DOH noted.

According to DOH, the Philippines hosts the WHO Regional Office in the Western Pacific (WPRO) and is also a founding member of the WHO.

“The main functions of the WHA are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed program budget. It is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland,” the DOH said.

“The officers of the WHA are formally elected by acclamation at the start of each session in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the WHA,” it added.

The DOH explained that the President “oversees the conduct of the WHA and guides the Assembly in its critical discussions and decisions on global health policies and initiatives.”

The President, the DOH added, may also appoint five vice presidents to act in their place during meetings or parts thereof. “The vice presidents can also be selected by lot at the session where the election takes place,” it added.

The DOH explained that Member States traditionally elect a President from each of the six WHO regions (Western Pacific, South-East Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean), rotating every year.

“For the 78th session of the WHA to be held in May 2025, the President will come from the Western Pacific,” the DOH said. “The last time a WHA President came from the Western Pacific was in 2019, from the Lao People's Democratic Republic,” it added.

The DOH noted that the Presidency of the WHA runs for the duration of the Assembly itself until a new President is elected the following year from the WHO Region of the Americas.

Recognizing the Philippines

During the ongoing RCM in Manila this year, the DOH said that the Western Pacific Member States chose the Philippines by consensus, in “recognition of the country’s leadership in the region and its important voice in the international health arena.”

For the DOH, this nomination “comes at a pivotal time for the Philippines,” as the country is pursuing numerous health initiatives on the global stage aimed at strengthening the health workforce to address gaps in healthcare delivery, championing the implementation of Universal Health Care (UHC) through Primary Health Care (PHC), and leading global initiatives on tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and patient safety.

“These pursuits align with the country's commitment to ensuring equitable access to essential health services and improving health outcomes for all,” the DOH said. “Through its leadership, the Philippines aims to further emphasize the importance of resilient health systems and international cooperation in the face of global health challenges,” it added.