'She crossed the line': Sandro hits VP Sara for maligning dad PBBM, late grandpa

At a glance

  • Ilocos Norte 1st district Rep. Sandro Marcos came out with a statement Tuesday morning, Oct. 22 wherein he criticized Vice President Sara Duterte over her "bizarre temper tantrum" as well as the "abhorrent comments" she made about his father, the incumbent President Marcos and late grandfather, ex-president Ferdinand Marcos Sr.


The presidential son has had enough.

Ilocos Norte 1st district Rep. Sandro Marcos came out with a statement Tuesday morning, Oct. 22 wherein he criticized Vice President Sara Duterte over her "bizarre temper tantrum" as well as the "abhorrent comments" she made about his father, the incumbent President Marcos and late grandfather, ex-president Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

Referring to Duterte's controversial remarks in her press conference last Oct. 18, Rep. Marcos said: "Going ballistic was perhaps the self therapy she prescribed for herself. But she crossed the line, leaving the civic and civil space in which disagreements can be rationally argued." 

"For all this time, I have held my tongue out of respect for the Vice President given the mandate she was given and the responsibility which her office holds," Rep. Marcos said. 

"However, as a son, I cannot stay silent while she threatens to exhume a former president and behead an incumbent one. Besides, her bizarre temper tantrum has been condemned by a nation horrified from such displays of insensitivity towards the dead and cruelty to the living," he said. 

"Forget that the objects of her derisions are dear to me, but I would also be remiss in my responsibility as an Ilocano representative if l didn't voice out my disdain at the abhorrent comments she so carelessly uttered," Rep. Marcos said. 

"I can ascertain that my emotions are shared not only by my kakailian in the north but across the country," said the House senior deputy majority leader. 

Rep. Marcos shared that his father tried to stop him from making any public statement about his feelings. But enough is enough.

"For his part, the President had not said anything against her that can be remotely construed even as a mild rebuke against her tirades. He even advised me to withhold my disappointment and refrain from making a statement. However, one must draw the line at some point and it's frankly long overdue," he said.




Prior to this statement, Rep. Marcos and Vice President Duterte have been very friendly and warm toward each other.


In her Oct. 18 presser, Duterte recounted an incident where she imagined beheading President Marcos, and acknowledged it as a moment that made her realize how toxic their relationship had become. The two were running mates during the 2022 elections.  

Duterte also disclosed that she once sent a message to the President’s sister, Senator Imee Marcos, and warned that if the attacks against her continued, she would dig up the remains of their father, the late president Marcos Sr., and throw it into the West Philippine Sea (WPS). 


'I sincerely hope she is okay'


Rep. Marcos also echoed his House colleagues' concerns over Vice President Duterte's mental state. 

"Let this be an opportune time to remind ourselves that we mustn't take our mental health for granted and that above all else I sincerely hope she is okay. 

"As such, I still wish the Vice President well. Ultimately, her success, like the President's, will be the success of our nation as a whole. May she find the peace of mind and mental clarity that seems to be eluding her," the neophyte solon said.