Veneers: Are they right for you?

Here’s everything you need to know about this dental procedure according to a dentist

Pearly white and perfectly aligned teeth are one of the standards in the beauty industry today. One of the best ways to achieve this is through dental veneers. But what are dental veneers, who is eligible to get them, and what are their risks? 

To answer all these and more, Manila Bulletin Lifestyle talked to Dr. Patricia Suiza of Valeria Doctors. Valeria Doctors is a medical and dental clinic located in Pasig City where Dr. Patricia serves as a periodontist and cosmetic dentistry doctor. 

(Image from Freepik)

What are veneers and how do they work?
Veneers are accurately purpose-built thin layer materials that are bonded on the front surface of teeth for several reasons:

  1. Multiple cavitated areas, cracks, stains, and chips involve the tooth's aesthetic or front surface.
  2. A treatment of choice to align minor malaligned teeth should patients decline orthodontic treatment.
  3. For correction of color, shape, and other esthetic imperfections of the teeth.

Who are good candidates for veneers?
People who have damage on the front surfaces of their teeth. 
People who have low self-esteem due to the unpleasant appearance of their teeth, and
People who want to enhance their smile in harmony with their overall look.

When are veneers a good option for dental restoration?
When the esthetic or front surface of the teeth is badly damaged by decay or trauma. This protects the teeth from further damage. This procedure is also good to improve the appearance of one’s smile and enhance self-esteem and confidence.

What are the factors to consider when getting veneers?
There are a lot. 

1. Choice of dentist and clinic. Almost every clinic offers veneers, but a doctor who performs proper, complete, and thorough examinations and treatment planning is the first thing. Since it is an irreversible procedure, choosing a doctor who can perform the procedure well is important. 

2. Material of choice. The choice of material should be dictated by the condition of the teeth and oral tissues, not by the influence of some TV and online personalities. What works for some may not work for others. 

3. Cost. Cheaper choices may mean cheaper materials and poor work. While price should not be the primary and sole deciding factor, it is best to look at veneers as investments rather than expenses. 

4. Since veneers are permanent restorations, it is best to consider shades and shapes that are designed in harmony with the face. Choose timeless. The trend may push some patients to get too white or too long teeth.  But such designs may not be aesthetically sustainable long term, unless the patient has the means to get it replaced anytime he/she decides.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of veneers compared to other dental restorations?
Advantages: minimal intervention, more durable and stain resistant compared to composite restoration, easy to maintain, natural looking, and aesthetically pleasing.

Disadvantages: Technique-sensitive, expensive, irreversible tooth reduction, tooth sensitivity depending on the amount of reduced tooth structure, and damaged veneers may require replacement rather than repair.

How long do veneers typically last?
It could last for many years, even 10 years or more, depending on the patient's oral hygiene and oral habits.

Are there any dental conditions or habits that might make someone ineligible for veneers?
Yes. First is the lack of oral hygiene. Second is crowded teeth. And third, habits that promote wear and tear of the teeth like biting habits, bruxism, or teeth grinding.

Dr. Patricia then shared that in some cases, people just wanted to get veneers because they have been influenced by what they’ve seen on some celebrities on social media posts, even though these patients don’t need veneers. She reminded everyone that our natural teeth are still the best; listen to the dentists for what dental procedures suit them more, and take good care of our precious smiles.