The Property Geek: Maximizing real estate investments in 2024

As we kick off the new year, it's crucial to reflect on the milestones, lessons, and victories from the past and strategize for the future. In this article, we steer away from the technicalities of real estate trends and focus on overcoming the fear of investing in real estate, a pivotal factor influencing our broader life decisions.

Let me recount my initial foray into real estate investment during my second year in the industry. Encouraged by my mentor to practice what I preached about the merits of real estate, I acquired a pre-selling condominium unit. The payment terms were enticing, featuring a three-year downpayment period with manageable monthly payments. However, the nagging uncertainties surfaced – what if unforeseen emergencies disrupted my financial stability? What if other priorities demanded my attention?

After a year, a family emergency occurred. While manageable, it triggered my apprehensions. Worried about potential future financial burdens, I decided to sell the property, retrieving my payments. Ironically, a year later, the property's value doubled, and my initial concerns proved unfounded.

Undeterred by past experiences, the subsequent year saw me venturing into condominium investment again, this time with a clear intention to build a rental business. The regret from relinquishing my previous property fueled my determination. A year later, the property's market value soared from ₱3.1M to ₱4.8M. What set this apart was my refusal to let fear dictate my decisions.

I share this not to embellish, but to emphasize the importance of clarity in decision-making, be it in real estate or other life facets. Understanding your “big why” makes it harder to abandon your goals, even in the face of challenges. Life presents problems, and the temptation to sacrifice current assets to surmount them is real. However, yielding to fear results in stagnation.

My real estate journey mirrors my past approach to life, where succumbing to fear jeopardized potential breakthroughs.

Jireh V. Mamaclay, 27, is an industrial engineer by profession. Recognized as The Property Geek across Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, he has transitioned from a banking role to a dedicated realtor in the South. Presently, he manages a team as the sales director of a realty enterprise. He intends to assist fellow Filipinos, particularly those within his generation, in attaining their property investment goals.