How to avoid getting sick during the rainy season

Five helpful tips to stay healthy as the rains pour

At a glance

  • As the rain pours down, make sure to down some vitamins as well.

Photo (c) Noel Pabalate.jpg
STAY DRY If you can't avoid floodwater, make sure to thoroughly wash up after contact to avoid catching any waterborne diseases (Photo Noel Pabalate)

As the rainy season comes in full swing, so does the risk of getting sick. Sometimes the sudden change in weather is enough to put stress on our bodies and potentially weaken our immune system’s capabilities of fending off illnesses. Here are five helpful tips to ensure our bodies stay healthy and keep us safe during the rainy season.

Always be prepared for rain

Suppose you’re out enjoying the day when the ominous clouds start lurking above your head. Soon enough, you can hear the dreaded shower of rainfall heading your way. It pays to keep an umbrella or raincoat on hand to quickly shield you from the downpour. For those who live in areas that flood easily, it’s advisable to carry around some foldable boots or wear waterproof shoes to keep your feet dry and safe from floodwaters that potentially carry waterborne diseases.
Ensure proper hygiene

During the rainy season, the cold weather allows viruses and bacteria to survive and thrive for longer periods. Remember to always wash your hands with soap and water before meals or after using the restroom. It’s best to keep a pocket-sized hand sanitizer bottle or alcohol to spray on your hands if water and soap aren’t readily available. Make sure to shower right away once you get home to eliminate any germs you’ve picked up from outside.

Boost your immune system

Having a robust immune system makes a great defense against diseases. Ensure you have a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep your body in top shape. Remember to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Consult your doctor or a registered dietitian if you’d also like to incorporate multivitamins that can improve your overall health.

Keep things dry

During the rainy season, it’s important to avoid stagnant water as it could end up as a breeding ground for mosquitoes that transmit diseases like dengue and malaria. Clean up or drain any areas containing stagnant water around your home to ensure this doesn’t happen. If it can’t be avoided, find ways to keep mosquitoes away from your home. Plants such as citronella, lavender, and peppermint also have mosquito-repellant qualities that could help keep them away if kept in your garden or in pots indoors.

Take care of your mental health

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is linked to a lack of light meaning people with SAD can become depressed during the gloomier seasons. Symptoms of SAD include feeling depressed throughout the day, losing interest in activities you usually enjoy, feeling sluggish, oversleeping, overeating, and having thoughts of not wanting to live in more severe cases. If you’re starting to feel any of these symptoms, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider.