DepEd creates a national task force to review SHS Program; find out why

At a glance

  • To conduct a program review on the Senior High School Program (SHS) implementation, the Department of Education (DepEd) HAS created a national task force for SHS.

  • The SHS-NTF aims to review existing program policies to “ensure consistency, responsiveness, and relevance to the needs of the learners and stakeholders.”

  • DepEd noted that as the country strives for economic recovery and growth, it is "becoming increasingly important for SHS graduates to have greater access to employment, entrepreneurship, advanced education, and training.”

  • DepEd said that the task force was created to “address the emerging challenges in the implementation of the SHS program” in both DepEd and non-DepEd Schools.

  • The SHS-TF is expected to submit a report on the accomplishments and outputs on or before May 12, 2024.

The Department of Education (DepEd) created a national task to conduct a program review on the Senior High School Program (SHS) implementation.

Senior High School graduates (DepEd file photo)

The creation of the Senior High School National Task Force (SHS-NTF) was announced by DepEd in Memorandum No. 028 s. 2023 signed by Undersecretary for Curriculum and Teaching Gina Gonong.

“As the nation strives for economic recovery and growth, it is becoming increasingly important for SHS graduates to have greater access to employment, entrepreneurship, advanced education, and training,” DepEd said in the memorandum.

DepEd noted that a Task Force (TF) is created to “address the emerging challenges in the implementation of the SHS program” in both DepEd and non-DepEd Schools.

The need for SHS Program review

While the first batch of 1.3 million SHS learners graduated from their respective tracks or strands at the end of SY 2017-2018, DepEd the first cohort of learners that “engaged the full cycle” of the K to 12 Curriculum since 2011 will graduate by SY 2023-2024.

Citing various studies, DepEd noted initial observations on the implementation of the SHS Program.

In the National Tracer Study of the SHS graduates for SY 2017-2018, for instance, DepEd noted that about 10 percent of graduate respondents were employed, seven percent of which have completed the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track while three percent completed the academic track.

“The study also showed that nearly 83 percent of the SHS graduates went on to pursue higher education while one percent engaged in entrepreneurship,” DepEd said.

In the 2022 Labor Force survey conducted by the Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS), DepEd noted that “only a small proportion of SHS graduates (a little over 20 percent) were able to enter the labor force with the majority (more than 70 percent) opting to continue with their education.”

Moreover, the study conducted by the Philippine Business for Education (PBEd) indicated that “out of the 70 leading companies across all sectors in the Philippines, only 20 percent were inclined to hire SHS graduates with most companies opting to hire job applicants with at least two years of college education, thereby effectively excluding SHS graduates.”

DepEd also noted the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Study Report (2019) revealed that “employers know little about the SHS Program, they are still open to accepting them.”

“However, their options are limited to rank and file, blue-collar or clerical positions,” DepEd said. “This is due to the belief that college graduates are more competent and skillful in professional work and careers than SHS graduates,” it added.

Aside from the “initial concerns” of the SHS learners, DepEd noted that the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has put “tremendous pressure on learning outcomes, skills development, employment, and the economy.”

Focus on ‘emerging’ challenges

DepEd said that the TF will include a Secretariat that will provide “administrative support towards the effective implementation: of the SHS Program Standards and Support Systems by “addressing logistical concerns and convening” the members of the SHS NTF when needed.

Focal Persons from the regional and schools division offices will also be appointed to assist in the implementation of the TF’s initiatives.

DepEd has designated the Assistant Secretary for Curriculum and Teaching, Curriculum Development, Learning Delivery, and Learning Resources (CDLDLR) as the Chair of the TF with the Assistant Secretary for Operations as the Co-Chair.

Among the functions of the SHS NTF is to review existing program policies to “ensure consistency, responsiveness, and relevance to the needs of the learners and stakeholders.”

The TF is also expected to “gather and consolidate relevant data to the SHS program implementation” and to “develop policies and plans based on the program implementation review (PIR) results and in anticipation of its future needs.”

The SHS TF will also coordinate with relevant offices such as state universities and colleges (SUCs), public and private schools, ROs, and SDOs, in developing a SHS database that includes policies, program offerings, and private school data.

Moreover, the creation of the task force aims to strengthen engagement with private sectors and various industries at the national and regional levels to improve SHS employability by determining industry demands and strengthening work immersion.

The SHS TF is also expected to collaborate with partners in conducting studies relevant to the improvement of the SHS program, including Labor market demands and job skills mismatch; leverage the support of Local Government Units (LGUS), government agencies, and external stakeholders to ensure the success of the SHS program; and conduct advocacy work including Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) plans to promote the SHS program.

To assist the TF in the delivery of its functions, DepEd also allowed the creation of Technical Working Groups (TWGS), if necessary.

The SHS TF is expected to submit a report on the accomplishments and outputs on or before May 12, 2024.