Public told: Keep transactions with online sellers within e-commerce platforms

The Department of Information and Communications Technology’s Cybersecurity Bureau advised Filipinos to only transact with online sellers within legitimate e-commerce platforms or online stores to ensure their safety.

This, according to DICT, was after they received reports and complaints where consumers got scammed after they were given “external links” to transact with sellers.


“[B]uyers are given external means, such as Viber and Messenger, for contacting and transacting with the seller,” said DICT, adding that once these buyers have paid, the seller will immediately be out of reach while the ordered items remain undelivered.

“[We are advising] the general public to keep their transactions with online sellers within e-commerce platforms. This is so as any issues or concerns regarding online sellers may be brought up and addressed accordingly,” DICT furthered.

The government agency also explained that difficulties with transactions done outside legitimate e-commerce platforms will be difficult to address. Meanwhile, online sellers were instructed to develop tighter security mechanisms within their platforms to prevent risks of fraud.