Global Filipino brands on a rebound – PFA

Global Filipino brands are expected to grow their outlets by
12-15 percent this year following a rebound in franchising of pandemic-proof
brands, according to the Philippine Franchise Association (PFA).
PFA Chairman Sherill Quintana said during a press conference
for the hosting of the world’s two biggest franchising events - World Franchise
Council (WFC) and Asia Pacific Franchise Confederation (APFC)- this year that
the growth in Filipino brands will be fueled by various local brands that have
been prepared and strengthened over the years and become pandemic-proof.
Quintana explained that before the pandemic, the PFA had set
a target of 50 global Filipino brands. So far, she said, there are now a total
of 20.
Samie Lim, PFA chairman emeritus, echoed Quintana’s forecast
adding they hope to achieve 30 global brands this year and will continue
pushing to achieve the 50.
Also, Quintana said that the PFA has done a good job of positioning
of Filipino brands in high-profile global franchising events.
The Philippines will also be again highlighted with the
holding of the twin events WFC and AFC meeting in Manila this year.  PFA was supposed to hold its second WFC
meeting in 2021 had it not for the pandemic. PFA hosted the WFC in 2011.
“Over a dozen countries are participating and we now have
over a thousand brands participating of which 10-15 percent are foreign
brands,” she said.
Quintana said that the expansion of Filipino brands will be
in their existing foreign territories.
She added that more foreign brands are also coming into the
country and in Southeast Asia as the region is “hungry” for new brands. The
region has also a huge population with improving consumer spending.
PFA President Chris Lim added that the organization has over
800 brand members, making the Philippines the 7th largest franchise market
globally. He said that agriculture is going to be a trend in franchising.
The local franchising industry also employs two million
direct and indirect jobs. “We want  to
create entrepreneurs to create millions of jobs,” he said adding that
franchising is a catalyst that will help bring the country attain its target to
be in the upper middle  class in the next
three years because this business model offers an equalizing playing field
because it has the best system available, and best mentors.
Also, franchising can help spread the wealth. In fact, he
said, more franchises are opening up in the provinces in the next few years as
more people moved to the provinces during the pandemic.
In addition, franchising opens more jobs for the locals, he

The two meetings will bring global franchise leaders from
over 40 economies and are expected to draw in 75,000.
Meantime, the International Franchise Expo that will
complement the two events is expected to showcase about 1,000 foreign and local
franchise brands in the food, retail and service sectors.
“The International Expo has always been regarded as a
launchpad for the national and global expansion of franchise brands. It also
continues to attract foreign exhibitors and has been an effective instrument in
promoting the Philippines as an investment destination,” said Expo Chairman
Steve Benitez.