SPD deploys over 2,000 cops for 'Ligtas Paskuhan 2023'


The Southern Police District (SPD) said a total of 2,425 police personnel and 925 force multipliers will be deployed to strategic areas within the southern part of Metro Manila to ensure the safety and security of all residents and visitors during the Yuletide season

According to Brig. Gen. Mark Pespes, SPD director, 292 personnel will be deployed to places of convergence and 98 more in all transport terminals.

Pespes said in strengthening street-level vigilance, 450 beat patrollers and 83 Tactical Motorcycle Rider Units will be conducting beat patrol along the streets.

He added the 1,436 SPD personnel will focus on anti-criminality which is being supported by 66 members of the newly created "Red Team".       

“Continuous operations like Oplan Galugad and proactive community engagement through barangay visitation are at the core of our strategies,” said Pespes.

He added that the SPD will leverage social media platforms for information dissemination and community mobilization to enhance awareness and cooperation among citizens.

Pespes said that to ensure a secure Yuletide season, SPD will intensify Simultaneous Anti-Criminality and Law Enforcement Operation (SCLEO), establish law enforcement checkpoints at strategic locations and maximize deployment in places of convergence.

“Malls and other convergence spots are on our radars potential targets for pickpockets and criminals,” Pespes said.

Pespes further said that SPD efforts will focus on crime  prevention through proactive measures, including the deployment of personnel in crime prone areas and comprehensive public information campaign against indiscriminate firing and unsafe pyrothecnics.

He said that collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and force multipliers will further ensure a peaceful and safe holiday season.