Priests attend national retreat in Cebu

More than 3,000 delegates are expected to attend the ongoing National Retreat for Priests from Nov. 7 to 9 at the IEC Convention Center in Cebu City.

Papal Nuncio Archbishop Charles John Brown presides over opening mass during the National Retreat for Priests in Cebu (Photo courtesy of the CBCP)

Papal Nuncio Archbishop Charles John Brown presided over the opening mass on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

With the theme “Priesthood: A Call to Holiness,” the gathering of members of the clergy is an initiative of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines – Episcopal Commission on Clergy in partnership with the Archdiocese of Cebu.

Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma said the national retreat seeks to strengthen the mission of priests to help deepen the spiritual life of the faithful following the recent celebration of 500 years of Christianity in the country.

“We now turn once again to the Lord as we continue with this Synodal journey, in deepening and spreading the faith that we have received. It is in this light that we spend these days of retreat and reflection on the priesthood and the call to holiness,” said Archbishop Palma in his message.

CBCP president Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, for his part said, the gathering is an opportunity for priests to commune with fellow members of the clergy.

“The National Retreat for Priests provides a sacred space and an opportunity for us to gather as brothers in Christ, to support and encourage one another, and to delve deeper into the profound mysteries of our priestly vocation. It is my prayer that you journey with us in this NRP 2023, and that these days be helpful, meaningful, and fruitful, as we carry on with joy in our priestly ministry,” Bishop David said.

Sister Briege Mckenna, author of the book ‘Miracles Do Happen’ with Spanish priest Fr. Pablo Escriva de Romani, will be part of the gathering. Sr. Mckenna has led the retreat for priests for the last 50 years in about 100 countries.

The CBCP said there are about 11,000 priests in the country ministering to the spiritual needs of more than 80 million Roman Catholics.