Digital detox for a New Year’s resolution


Monchito Ibrahim

By the time this article gets published, 2023 would have started. Happy New Year everyone!

Several weeks back, I had written about an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that has become a viral sensation and is continuing to hug the limelight in the tech space, ChatGPT. This week, my Tech4GOOD column will feature an article totally written by ChatGPT just to show everyone how powerful the AI tool is. This author did not change any of the words generated by the tool.

This author actually used the free preview version of ChatGPT.

The instruction given to ChatGPT was “write an article for a magazine about digital detoxification as a new year resolution in 800 words.”

After a couple of minutes, the following was the response :

“Digital detoxification has become a buzzword in recent years, as more and more people become aware of the negative impact that excessive screen time can have on their mental and physical health. From social media addiction to email overload, the constant stream of notifications and alerts can be overwhelming, leading to increased stress, insomnia, and even depression.

Taking a break from screens and technology, also known as a digital detox, can offer a much-needed respite from the fast-paced digital world and allow us to reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones. With the start of the new year, many people are considering making digital detoxification a resolution.

Here are a few tips for incorporating a digital detox into your new year's resolutions:

  1. Set boundaries: The first step to a successful digital detox is to determine specific times of the day or week when you will disconnect from technology and stick to them. This can help prevent the constant distractions and interruptions that come with being constantly connected. For example, you may choose to turn off your phone after a certain hour at night or take a tech-free day on the weekends.

  2. Create a designated tech-free zone: Another way to make your digital detox more effective is to create a designated tech-free zone in your home. This could be a specific room or area where you can relax and recharge without the distractions of screens. Having a designated space can help you disconnect more easily and make it easier to stick to your resolution.

  3. Find alternative activities: Instead of scrolling through social media or streaming shows, try finding alternative activities that allow you to disconnect and relax. This could include going for a walk, reading a book, or practicing yoga. Finding activities that don’t involve screens can help you unwind and reduce stress.

  4. Seek support: If you feel like your screen time is taking over your life, consider seeking support from a therapist or joining a digital detox group. Having a supportive community can make it easier to stick to your resolution and provide a sense of accountability.

While a digital detox can be a challenging resolution to stick to, the benefits are well worth the effort. By taking a break from screens and technology, you can improve your mental and physical health, strengthen your relationships, and rediscover the joys of the present moment.

The negative impact of excessive screen time

Excessive screen time has been linked to a number of negative health outcomes, including sleep disturbances, eye strain, and neck and back pain. It can also lead to an increased risk of obesity, as people who spend a lot of time in front of screens are more likely to be sedentary.

But the impact of excessive screen time goes beyond physical health. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. This is especially true for social media, which can create a constant stream of comparison and FOMO (fear of missing out). The constant notifications and alerts can also lead to an “always on” mentality, making it difficult to disconnect and relax.

Digital detox benefits

So, why consider a digital detox? For starters, it can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health. Taking a break from screens can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and increase overall well-being. It can also help improve your relationships as disconnecting from technology allows you to be more present and engage with others in a more meaningful way.

A digital detox can also help you discover new hobbies and interests and a powerful way to start the new year off on the right foot. Without the constant distraction of screens, you may find that you have more time and energy to pursue activities that you enjoy. This can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose and create a more balanced, healthy relationship with your screens.”

In featuring this ChatGPT-generated response, the author does not intend to promote the AI tool as a product. The intent is only to show the potential and power of AI tools such as ChatGPT to disrupt the usual way we do things. The future is definitely scary if such tools are not properly directed toward the betterment of society.

Again, I wish all of you a prosperous, healthy, and peaceful 2023!

[email protected]

(The author is the lead convenor of the Alliance for Technology Innovators for the Nation (ATIN), vice president of the Analytics Association of the Philippines, and vice president, UP System Information Technology Foundation.)