Embracing technology: King of Bisaya talk, shares insights on content creation

At a glance

  • Chito Samontina's rise as the King of Bisaya Talk and Asia's Best Bisaya Talk Show Host.

  • Utilizing technology for improved efficiency and engagement in content creation.

  • The value of authenticity and meaningful audience interaction in a successful online presence.

  • Tackling challenges like burnout and addressing criticism to sustain passion in content creation.

  • Chito's guidance for budding content creators: focus on passion, stay genuine, and leverage technology for growth.

Chito Samontina, the charismatic Bisaya host, internet personality, and content creator hailing from Davao City, Philippines, has become a household name as the King of Bisaya Talk in the southern part of the country. With his highly-acclaimed show, CHITchat, Ato Ni!, Chito has taken the internet by storm, earning himself the prestigious title of Asia's Best Bisaya Talk Show Host at the 2023 Asia Pacific Luminare Awards. Born in Quezon City, Chito's journey has been filled with twists and turns, from his early days as a club DJ to becoming a prominent figure on the regional airwaves. His relentless passion for sharing Bisaya culture has resonated with millions, as evidenced by his 1.2 million followers on Facebook and 100K YouTube subscribers. I met Chito in a Hackathon sponsored by social media companies many years ago. I was one of the judges, and I felt terrible when his team, which I believed then to have the best project, did not win the competition. Recently, I was surprised when my friends and relatives from Davao City started forwarding videos showing Chito doing entertaining, funny, and witty stuff online.

Recently, I reconnected with Chito, and I'm sharing what we have talked about here. I hope his experiences and insights will inspire and guide upcoming content creators as they embark on their own creative journeys.

Known now as Kol Chito, Angkol Chito, and Kol Chito Samontina,  he told me that as a content creator, he has discovered how to harness the power of technology to enhance his efficiency and enjoyment.

MB Technews (MB): Can you describe your journey into the world of entertainment content creation and what inspired you to pursue this career path?

Chito Samontina (CS): Everything started by accident. I did not really know what vlogging was or what "viral" meant until I uploaded a video in 2016 which was only meant to be seen by my Facebook friends. I did not realize that thousands of Facebook users would share it.
From one video to more weekly content, I realized I was already having fun doing it. Plus, I interacted with more Bisaya speakers worldwide on my Facebook account, which later became a page for more relevant content.
When I marked my 500K followers on Facebook, I realized I could do more with my skills, so I launched a talk show in 2022 dedicated to the Bisaya community where I can feature inspiring stories of Bisaya public figures and even ordinary citizens.

MB: What key elements do you consider when developing new content, and how do you ensure it resonates with your target audience?

CS: The main goal of my flagship content, which is CHITchat (talk show), is to always bring out the best of a Bisaya or BISDAK as how we, speakers, would coin ourselves.

The main factor I always consider is the "takeaways" for each episode, and it's always the lessons that my team and I would want to impart after they watch an episode.

Sometimes, my audience would also get surprised at how the CHITchat showcases the real persona of a public figure that guests in the show.


MB: Can you discuss the various types of technology you use in your content creation process and how they have made your work more efficient?

CS: As a content creator, knowing your insights in your video platforms is essential. To know which part of your uploaded content did best and which did not. Which thumbnail works. Stuff like that will help you understand your audience better and, most importantly, help you improve your next future contents. Tools already available on Facebook and YouTube will help you with your content creation, and I recommend that creators take advantage of them.

One of the challenges some creators also face is copyrighted music, which sometimes jeopardizes their ad monetization. Subscribing to a music library such as Epidemic Sound, which I personally use, is a technology investment I highly recommend.

MB: Can you share an example of a project where technology played a crucial role in bringing your creative vision to life?

CS: I think working with a team remotely is one of the most significant technology advantages I consider a life-saver.

I used to edit my own videos. When I finally realized how much of a workload it is for me, knowing that I produce my content without a huge team, I hired a video editor using LinkedIn.

Now, I can focus more on producing content (research, coordination with guests) just by dumping movie files on Google Drive. Communicating with my editor through Viber helps me extract more creative juices.

MB: Can you share a memorable project or collaboration you have participated in and what made it so special for you as a content creator?

CS: To finally be noticed by well-known brands to become an endorser is not just memorable but a huge step for regional creators like me. I have a collaboration with a famous brand for a pain reliever, and to me, seeing myself in advertisements is also seeing the Bisaya community in the limelight.

MB: What strategies do you employ to stay relevant and engaged with your audience, especially given the fast-paced nature of the entertainment industry?

CS: Algorithms can be very confusing. But if you remain authentic with how you put yourself in the digital world, it would help.

It also helps when you reply to comments in your posts from time to time. Engaging not just with your followers but as well as aspiring creators will make them feel that you are not just a content creator but a human as well.

Most importantly, being humble regardless of your achievements should be one of every creator's mantra. It shouldn't be a strategy but a character that one must master.

MB: Can you discuss any challenges or obstacles you've faced in your career and how you've overcome them to continue pursuing your passion?

CS: Burnouts. Losing the energy to create contents because you are burned out. It happened to me in 2018. I was getting more noticed by people on social media, so I also started attracting more brands. So, I accepted a lot of deals until I realized that I was only creating content because I was paid and not out of passion. Not only will it affect your engagement and visibility, but it will also take a toll on your mental health.

MB: What role does collaboration play in your content creation process, and how do you choose the right partners or team members to work with on your projects?

CS: It is critical to decide which collaboration you should take. By collaboration, it could be working with other creators or brand partnerships. Knowing your brand identity and theirs can help you understand whether you are aligned or not.

For brand collaborations, most creators, especially on Facebook, who upload "brand deals content" would likely decrease their engagement because their audience follows them for their content and not the brands they are advertising unless you are Davao Conyo or Esnyr who are known to be so good at inserting ads in their Tiktoks.

As mentioned above (previous question), saying yes to every partnership may affect your creativity, productivity, and visibility in the future.

MB: In an industry that is constantly evolving, how do you stay inspired and motivated to keep pushing the boundaries of your work?

CS: It's challenging myself to do more and do better that pushes me. I always explore my capabilities rather than be comfortable with what I usually do.

I also experiment with new things that I add to my content that I usually learn from other creators I watch on YouTube. Yes, some creators talk about content creation and other successful creators that will help you grow. A good example is the 'Samir and Colin' channel. You will learn a lot from them.

MB: Can you share how to handle criticism, feedback, and bashers with budding content creators? And how have these helped you grow and evolve as a content creator?

CS: Oh, this bashing. Hahahaha. I think most, if not all, content creators have experienced bashing or, worst, being canceled. If you let bashing get into you, you will lose your appetite for creating more content. It took me a while to master this. Bashers are insecure people who wish to be like you but can't, so they hide in fake accounts and talk bad about you. Listen only to people who matter, your true followers. They usually give fair criticism.

Also, did you know you can automatically hide comments on Facebook with specific words? Words that you think will trigger your anxiety or mental health, in general, sure do help. Use that tool.

Furthermore, it is okay to BLOCK bashers. Use that tool, too.

MB: What advice would you give aspiring content creators looking to make their mark in the entertainment industry?

CS: Create content because you are passionate about it, and opportunities will follow. Because if you only want to create content for money, most likely, you will never make it.

Be authentic. Something about you can attract a specific audience; you may only know it once you start being comfortable with yourself. Don't try hard to be like your favorite content creator. JUST BE YOURSELF.

MB:  Salamat bai for sharing positive vibes online.

CS: Anytime, sir, you're always welcome.

Chito Samontina's rise to fame as the King of Bisaya Talk is a testament to the power of passion and authenticity in the world of content creation. His engaging, entertaining, and inspiring content has resonated with millions of fans, showcasing the rich Bisaya culture and its diverse personalities. By remaining genuine and humble, Chito has managed to navigate the ever-evolving online entertainment industry while maintaining a strong connection with his audience. His journey also highlights the importance of embracing technology to improve efficiency, foster collaboration, and enhance creativity. Aspiring content creators can learn from Chito's experiences, taking to heart his advice on prioritizing passion, staying true to oneself, and embracing the challenges and opportunities of this dynamic and exciting field.