Protecting my peace


I have heard this term countless times, and much more frequently recently in podcasts and vlogs. With all that has happened in this world in the past few years, and in a moment of introspecting, I decided to ponder upon this thought further. Much more so recently, I have realized that peace and peace of mind is priceless, and there is nothing more fulfilling than being able to go to bed at night with a clear mind, without burdening thoughts to keep you up and thinking. So what exactly have I found to work for me (personally) in order to attempt to protect my peace? Let me share a few pieces with you.

First and foremost, I think most importantly (and yes, I do acknowledge that it is much harder said than done), you must find a way to eliminate, ignore, or silence external triggers, in the same way that you should identify, acknowledge, recognize and know them. This is most definitely a process, and something no one can attain overnight. Acceptance that peace can only be controlled intrinsically is key, and one must realize that it is not possible to ultimately control extrinsic factors and triggers. Rather, we must learn to deal and live with them. In the end, the more effectively we are able to do so, the more peaceful a life we will find ourselves living.

Prayer is essential not only in finding peace, but in making peace – with ourselves, with others, and with situations and scenarios in our lives we cannot control. It is only with prayer that we are truly able to power through. Prayer is our shield – the armor that protects us, and that constantly strengthens our faith, which I have found, is key as well in bringing peace into our lives. In prayer, we clear our minds. We find solitude and dialogue with a higher power. It is even in prayer sometimes that we are able to come to terms with things that may conflict us.

Picking your battles, I find, is another key in protecting your peace. If you were to fight out every single annoyance in this world, then you yourself are a nuisance to the world. That is not to say however that you must be a push over and give in to everything either. It means being rational, and not acting impulsively on emotion. It is always better to take the time to process and think things through. It is worth the while (and the wait) not to respond when you know that it can fuel the fire and lead to bigger conflict. This is the perfect moment to step back, and pray. Enlightening one’s mind nourishes, and brings the peace.

Lastly, I have found that keeping your circles small and intimate eliminates baggage, and allows you to be your truest self. Being the most genuine version of yourself on a daily basis most definitely gives you less to think about, and gives you much sought-after peace. Not needing to please anyone, or to think too much about how you need to act because your circles are comfortable lightens up your being, and most definitely eases your burdens. This is what allows you to count your blessings, and live life with an attitude of gratitude.

Most importantly, may you always choose to be grateful come what may. Viewing your cup as half full, rather than half empty even in times of conflict sets the tone for living life with a positive attitude and mindset. With these alone, you are on your way to finding your most peaceful self.