CHED allows conduct of local off-campus activities 

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has allowed the conduct of local off-campus activities among students at the tertiary level.

CHED / MB Visual Content Group

In CHED Memorandum Order No. 01 series of 2023, Chairman J. Prospero De Vera III announced the amendment to an article in CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 09, series of 2022 on local off-campus activities.

The CMO No. 09 s. of 2022 or the “Updated Guidelines on the Implementation of Face-to-face classes to Prevent and Mitigate Covid-19 Infections in Higher Education”, particularly Article IV.E, was amended under CEB Resolution No. 003-2023.

De Vera, in the CMO released Feb. 16, said that local off-campus activities including but not limited to educational tours, degree program-relevant events, field study, mission-based activities, seminars or conferences, community outreach programs, performances, competitions, are “allowed subject to compliance” of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with the provisions of CMO No. 63 series of 2017 otherwise known as the Policies and Guidelines for Local Off-campus activities.

Moreover, CHED noted that other activities undertaken outside HEI premises and not covered under CMO No. 63 s. 2017 such as internship, practicum, and on-the-job training are likewise “allowed subject to compliance” of HEIs with separate and existing CHED guidelines for the programs concerned.

“The HEIS are encouraged to coordinated with their partner institutions to allow unvaccinated students to participate in off-campus activities,” De Vera said in the CMO.

Meanwhile, CHED reminded HEIs that all other provisions of CMO No. 09 s. of 2022 that “are not affected by this amendment shall remain valid and enforceable.”