TESDA Online Program levels up with the introduction of TOP Mobile App

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has launched a mobile app for its online skills training program to make tech-voc training more accessible to Filipinos.


Designed to enhance the mobile learning experience of learners, the TESDA Online Program (TOP) Mobile App allows the offline use of the courses offered by TESDA.

A web-based platform that provides an effective and efficient way to deliver technical-vocational education and training (TVET) at the learner’s place and time, the TOP can be downloaded on smartphones through Google Play Store and App Store.

TESDA, in a statement issued Thursday, June 30, said that with the introduction of the TOP Mobile App “learners can download and learn offline and sync their progress when they have internet access.”

Meanwhile, TESDA has also strengthened the TOP with the introduction of courses that have accessibility features to help persons with disabilities (PWDs).

The TOP courses for Food Processing NC II and Bread and Pastry Production NC II were integrated with accessibility features such as screen-reading capabilities, Filipino Sign Language, and audio narration.

At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, TESDA Secretary Isidro Lapeña said that the agency relied heavily on the TOP to ensure the continuous provision of TVET to learners.

“The TESDA Online Program and the TOP Mobile App have been strengthened and redesigned to better bridge the digital divide and to create a more exciting digital learning experience for our learners,” he said.

As of May, TESDA said that 316,119 users have registered in the TOP for 2022 --- putting the accumulated users at 3,905,895 since 2012.

Currently, TESDA said there are 141 online courses on the TOP.

TESDA said that enrollees will be given an e-Certificate of Completion after finishing a course. “However, only those who enroll and complete courses for full qualifications can undergo competency assessment and receive a National Certificate,” the agency said.

Aside from the TOP Mobile App, TESDA said that the learning platform can still be accessed through the TOP website at https://e-tesda.gov.ph/.