104 irrigation projects finished in Cordillera

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – The National Irrigation Administration-Cordillera has completed a total of 104 irrigation projects, bringing brighter hopes to thousands of farmers in the province and a big contribution to the government’s food security efforts.

NIA regional manager Engr Benito Espique, Jr. said that with the completion of 104 projects, a total of 8,712 farmers stand to benefit and generate a total of 5,319 jobs.

The completed projects are equivalent to 88 percent of the total 122 NIA had programmed in 2021. Its total budget allocation for the projects is P1.009 billion.

In 2021, the agency developed 813 hectare of new areas and restored 1,180 hectares for a total of 1,993.38 hectares from the provinces of Benguet, Abra, Kalinga, Apayao, Ifugao and Mt.Province.

Other completed works include 18.64 kilometers of canal lining and 8.88 kms. pipeline.

Espique rallied all stakeholders, especially irrigators farmer’s associations, to take care of the irrigation systems, stressing its contribution to the economy in terms of agricultural production in support of the government's effort to achieve food security.

Espique’s call came during his inspections on various projects and their turnover to irrigator associations in different areas in the region.

Completed irrigation projects as per fund include Establishment of Groundwater Pump Irrigation Project (EGPIP); Repair of Groundwater Pump Irrigation Project (RGPIS); Balikatan Sagip Patubig Program (BSPP); Extension/Expansion of Existing Communal Irrigation System (EEECIS); Small Irrigation Project (SIP); Restore/Repair/Rehabilitation of Existing Communal Irrigation System (RRRCIS), among others.

Mountain Province posted the biggest number of completed projects with 35; Benguet 23; Ifugao 16; Kalinga 11; Abra 10;and Apayao 9.

Moreover, for Irrigtion Engineering Center( IEC) Monitored Projects, the agency has completed four projects of Climate Change Adaptation Works –National Irrigation System (CCAW-NIS).

The Marimay Small Reservoir Irrigation Project has also been completed while four were completed in the so-called Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Project (CARP) component.

For the 2022 irrigation program, the government has allocated P1.973 billion for NIA-CAR to fund its 197 programmed irrigation projects, develop 3,905 hectares of new areas, and the restoration of 507.25 ha.

From the total allocation, Kalinga has the biggest share with P604,900 followed by Apayao (P535,200);Ifugao (P344,200); Abra (P259,600); Mt. Province (P124,549); and Benguet (P104,700).

Other works include the repair and rehabilitation; concreting of line canal (21.36km); canal structures (111); and piping (30.80kms).