Feast of Saint Albert the Great on Nov. 15

The Roman Catholic Church will honor on Tuesday, Nov. 15, the memorial of Saint Albert the Great (San Alberto Magno), the patron saint of scientists and philosophers.

St Albert the Great (Catholic Online)

Commemorative masses, novenas, and special prayers will be held in several Catholic churches in many parts of the world including the Philippines in honor of the venerated German saint.

Popularly known as the Universal Doctor in recognition of his extraordinary genius and extensive knowledge of sacred and secular sciences, St. Albert served as the provincial superior of the Dominican Order. He also served as bishop of Ratisbon in his native Germany.

Also known as Albertus Magnus and Albert of Cologne, he was considered the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. St. Albert advocated for the peaceful co-existence of science and religion. As a teacher, he wrote more than 40 books on science and theology. Among his early students was St. Thomas Aquinas.

Born in the year 1206 in Lauingen, Germany, he has ordained priest in 1223. He died on Nov. 15, 1280, and was canonized in 1931 by Pope Pius XI.