The buying and spending season has begun. Christmas is near.
Businessmen always look forward to this joyful time of the year because the spending habits of consumers push revenue that will continue business, employment of its staff, and economic activity in the community.
That is why five words define the mood toward the end of the year: Christmas is good for business!
It is expected to be better this year as the people enjoy the air of normalcy in movement, meeting friends, traveling, eating out, and shopping in the malls – after celebrating two Christmases under restricted conditions.
Now it is time for consumers to rethink their buying habits. Though buying stuff is a routine act, this time it can be performed to help the economy recover by buying local products, supporting local businesses, and traveling to local destinations.
About two years ago, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) launched “Buy Local, Go Lokal” program. This is a timeless advocacy that is a practical way to show support for local craftsmen and entrepreneurs. Buying local at this time should be viewed as a form of patriotism, an act of duty to help the country.
“The campaign encourages Filipinos to aid struggling Philippine MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) by buying and consuming fresh produce and goods manufactured in the country, stimulating demand on these products to help the economy recover from the crisis brought by the global pandemic,” a DTI statement on its advocacy said.
There are more than enough local products to complete everyone’s requirements for the Christmas celebration. Check the stores online or in the malls – there’s a product for the gift-giving tradition, party food, holiday décor, and also for corporate giveaways.
Each purchase will boost the production of more products, and will benefit the craftsmen, entrepreneurs, suppliers, and other sectors of communities.
“Buy Local – Go Lokal is an appeal not only to the public but also to the private sector. Industry associations, consumer groups as well as those from the manufacturing industry are invited to promote the use of products made in the Philippines and source raw materials from local suppliers to give opportunities to local businesses and save local employment,” the DTI said.
There is another way to extend the “Buy Lokal” advocacy. Many people who find leisure in road trips, camping and hiking have adjusted the “buy local” motto to “buy from the local stores.” Now they buy their supplies for a trip in the towns along the way to their destinations. The initiative may not add up to millions of pesos in revenues in the government spreadsheets. But for the small town stores, the purchases will definitely add to the revenue of the day, and will allow them to spend for a need, or for an enterprise.
DTI’s Buy Local – Go Lokal campaign also served as a platform to help boost domestic travel while promoting Philippine-owned and operated facilities and services. For family celebration outside the city, the choice to travel to a local destination will add much power to boost the tourism industry which involves many sectors of the communities.
Be patriotic; start buying local products today!