FASHION PULIS: Sacrificed friendship

The periphery of the relationship of Female Associate (FA) and Unassuming Partner (UP) is not simple. Over the years, among their circle of friends were colleagues who later became close friends. These friends were, of course, expected to exercise a level of loyalty to say the least.

Loyalty among friends is tested once a couple breaks up. Thus, Important Staff (IS) found herself being confronted by FA when her relationship started to fall apart. IS worked with FA to make sure her affairs were in order particularly when she faced the camera. FA felt IS and her other friends, who were known to FA as well, did not treat her like a friend and chose UP’s side. FA believed IS should have treated her better and perhaps with more sympathy. IS probably chose to remain quiet given no one wants to be involved in the midst of a breakup.

The situation distanced the two. One time, they were in the same location out of the country, which should have led to a get-together, just like the old times. Nothing happened. In other words, they snubbed each other. Losing her relationship with FA was not a hard blow to IS. Allegedly, she was said to be telling friends that FA treated her like a household help rather than the position she was hired for. Incidentally, IS has stronger ties with UP and such a bond involves family, hers and UP’s. Losing FA’s friendship was merely a consequence of choosing a side and not adding to the tension.
Now, things are settling down and FA and UP are quiet and perhaps the silence is keeping their kibitzers quiet.

‘Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either.’ − Aesop

Warning sign

Male Personality (MP) started to get noticed because of his talent and communication skills. Soon, MP was considered among the promising personalities of his generation. He knows his capabilities as well as the knowledge required for his field. However, he became more familiar as a personality when he fell in love with then Female Celebrity (FC). FC’s every appearance and love life did not escape fans and the media. Thus, MP and FC being sweet to each other became a hot topic. Everyone rooted for them to last. They had chemistry together. However, they did not. MP and FC broke up and moved on to different directions. Why they broke up was never revealed and no third party was involved.

As their relationship was now just history, love found its way to MP’s heart. Finding his Current Girlfriend (CG), MP seemed to be sure she would be his forever. CG felt the same as well. While everyone seems excited for the big day, some fans witnessed an incident that made them wonder. Allegedly, MP was heard screaming at CG in a public place. The onlookers were surprised as the couple looked familiar, and they felt that CG did not deserve to be treated that way. Other people were around and such behavior was unacceptable.

‘In the end, we forget the details of our lives that embarrass us or are too painful. We just lie back and allow ourselves to float along calmly over the deep waters, with our eyes closed.’ ― Patrick Modiano

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