1-Pacman Party-list Rep. Mikee Romero had some glowing words for Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles Friday, Sept. 2, when Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) officials attended their budget hearing before the House Committee on Appropriations.

1-Pacman Party-list Rep. Mikee Romero (Screenshot from Zoom)
But, in praising Angeles, the veteran legislator appeared to put down somebody else, the identity of whom is a mystery.
Romero began his manifestation before the appropriations panel with this remark: "I would like to congratulate the Office of the Press Secretary that you're doing a better job, no?"
"Why do I say that? Because you're very objective, more precise and you know the pulse of the people," said the chairman of the Committee on Poverty Alleviation.
"And by doing that, you also show the pulse of Malacañang, which is very good," Romero said, referring to Angeles.
He then added, quite intriguingly: "In short, wala ng mga epal (there are no more epal people)."
"Epal" is derogatory Filipino slang for people who are overly nosy, intrusive, or just unsavory individuals in general.
Romero continued: "And I think the public appreciates that more because coming from the Malacañang itself, it should be as objective as possible in relating to the public."
Angeles is the first press secretary of the fledgling Marcos administration.