Bonoan vows to prioritize infra projects with immediate economic impacts

Department of Public Works and Highways Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan has vowed to prioritize infrastructure projects that would have immediate impact on the economic recovery following the adverse impacts brought by lockdown measures in the past two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In his speech during the District Engineers League of the Philippines (DELP) National Midyear Convention 2022 at the Manila Hotel, Bonoan said they have already identified key projects that would be implemented in the next six years.

DPWH Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan (photo: DPWH)

"We will put priority on projects that would contribute to the immediate turnaround of our economic recovery, and this means focusing on ongoing projects that are very vital in transportation continuity," said Bonoan.

Among them, he said, unfinished bridge projects and critical infrastructure that will address traffic congestion, and promote interregional connection.

Bonoan said those projects were specifically mentioned by President Marcos during one of their meetings after he assumed the top DPWH post.

President Marcos wants to maximize infrastructure spending and revitalize tourism efforts as part of the measures to speed up economic recovery.

Various bridge and road projects were already completed by the DPWH, including access roads to some tourist spots and emerging tourism areas in the country.

While assuring that he would not micromanage the department, Bonoan, however, stressed that he expects every official and employee to work in unity, and ensure that projects are implemented prudently, and at the earliest possible time.

"Let me remind all of you that while we have the authority to spend for two years, nevertheless let us work together to be able to deliver beyond what is expected of us," said Bonoan.

The official said he also wants improvements in yearly disbursement, as he urged District Engineers to be realistic in putting up a budget that is doable within the year period.