Celebrities Ricky Davao, Gino Padilla, Pia Pilapil and beauty queens graced the eighth-anniversary celebration of Nutravita Corporation that vowed to sustain its advocacy by promoting health and entrepreneurship through effective cell therapy products last June 11.
Wellness advocate Jinnie Uy, CEO of Nutravita Corporation (national stockist of Avita), who heads the national and regional expansion of the company, said she intends to take health and entrepreneurial advocacy to a higher level by tapping the health-conscious Filipinos – and even the unemployed in their marketing arm by embarking on “feel good, look young” health products.
“We (Avita) have been doing quite well without really investing much on advertisements, primarily because our product line has been proven effective in transforming lives to a positive attitude,” says Uy, even as she hinted at a fair and equitable share of whatever revenue they make.
Sought to elaborate on their road to success – even without spending many ads, Uy gave premium to the “word of mouth” of each and every person who has tried what they’ve been marketing for the last eight years.
“Filipinos are the most connected people on earth. What better opportunity than Avita network marketing for Filipinos to embark on? The success of a product is widely established upon a trusted brand with proven benefits to make people’s lives better. In today’s connected world, a great product will travel by word of mouth.”
Taking cue from the feedbacks they’ve been getting from people who have tried their health and wellness products, Uy said that they are the same people who have been recommending to their relatives and friends to try the Avita’s Swiss-made Celergen cell nutrition products.
Uy said Celergen product is a complex extracted from the BIO DNA of deep-sea, pollution-free marine life with powerful anti-aging properties.
“Produced using Swiss Proprietary Cold Extraction Technology, Celergen is just as effective as injectable cell therapy at a fraction of the cost and in the convenience of your home. The human body contains
Some four trillion cells need constant renewal as old and weak cells are replaced by new ones. Celergen cell nutrition can block these disruptions by supporting the body’s natural rejuvenation process. By providing proper nutrition to damaged and dead cells, cell nutrition can combat the aging process and extend youth, energy, and vitality,” she further explained.
She also called on health-conscious Filipinos to grab the rare chance of representing it while staying fit and healthy by joining their team.
“Avita Philippines is willing to share the business opportunity with everyone, allowing each person to share the effort of marketing and servicing, and also share in the profits fairly, then the word-of-mouth momentum can multiply many folds. The reach to potential customers is widened, the company’s growth is accelerated and for the common people, a tremendous wealth-building opportunity awaits."
"We’ve transformed lives for the last eight years. We don’t plan on halting what we’ve started as a small business which has grown to become advocacy, embarking on wellness and entrepreneurship.”