Comelec gives media access to transparency servers

The Comelec gave legitimate media organizations physical access to the transparency servers. This is to assure the public that there will be groups who will monitor the election results in real time.

What we will be getting is raw data and it would depend on each media organization how to treat and present the data from the transparency servers to the public.

One problem is that it would be too technical for beat reporters to process the data. The solution, assign IT personnel to get and process the data.

Second problem, IT guys are not writers, they will be having a hard time communicating what the data is all about. The solution, partner an IT guy with a reporter to avoid "lost in translation" moments.

We anticipate minor errors but we will clean and input corrections immediately to show the public what's happening (close) in real time.

Our team is composed of certified IT professionals Donnie, Noel, Angel, Elil and Jason and we are guided by data scientist Manong Wilson Chua who gave the data life and amazingly translated the machine readable data to a language that a human could understand.

Below is data from the Comelec's transparency servers.