The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) will be enforcing limited and 'no fly zones' at the Batasang Pambansa Complex and its immediate vicinity from July 25 to 27.

This move is meant to ensure security and safety during the sixth and last State of the Nation Address (SONA) of President Duterte on Monday, July 26.
The CAAP has already issued notice to airman (NOTAM) B2061/21 as advisory for the event.
From July 25 at 6 a.m. to July 27 at 6 am, a no fly zone will be enforced within a five nautical miles radius from surface to 10,000 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) of Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City, CAAP said.
Batasang Pambansa or the House of the Representatives serves as the workplace of the country’s 300 congressmen and their staff. It is the place where the elected president traditionally delivers his or her SONA.